Take Me Back

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The bitter autumn turning winter wind hit your face as you reached the inside of the guard tower.

Maggie and Glenn had taken the other one; trading turns for hours on watch and to spend some time alone. And you figured no one would mind nor miss you if you used the other one to spend the night alone in.

The wool sweater clothing your arms that hangs down to your thighs warms you, but even through that and the black leggings you wear the cold still nips at you.

When you first got to the prison, one of the first things you noticed was how quiet it all was. For the first couple weeks you found it nice; peaceful. But months later it had begun to drive you mad, for some reason you missed the sounds of nature you were used to deep in the woods. Or the running of car engines constantly on interstates.

But nights were the one time you could enjoy the quiet; even if during the day you couldn't stand the overwhelming silence... Night was still the time you could sit and actually relish in the calming quiet.

"Thought 'cha might be cold." The voice is one you could recognize anywhere. The way his deep southern accent melted into his words; adding a sense of comfort.

Turning your head to face the entrance, Daryl stands with a blanket in his arms.

"I'm fine." Your voice croaks, attempting a small kind smile. And failing miserably at it.

He walks, his boots heavy on the cement, over to you. Plopping down beside you, he lays the blanket out open over your body.

As he reaches over, pulling it to cover your shoulders as well as legs, you can feel warmth radiating off him. Forgetting the possibility that he himself may be cold.

"Thank you." You whisper softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear.

Daryl simply nods his head to acknowledge your gratitude. Staring out the window in front of the two of you, just like you do.

"Wha ye doin up 'ere so late?" Daryl asks you, picking at a string coming undone from his dark jean jacket.

"Wanted some space," You answer with a sigh. "some fresh air."

Nodding he doesn't look over at you, instead continues his gaze forward.

Minutes pass with continued silence, although this time the presence of a certain someone screams wonders in the quiet night.

"Ever think bout it?" Daryl finally speaks up, bending his right knee towards him while keeping the left one straight in front of him. His arms wrapping around his knee, still looking ahead.

"About what?" You have feeling you know what he's hinting towards; you just don't want to be the one to say the specific words.


With that single word, Daryl's head turns to the left to look at you. Feeling the faint pink rise in your cheeks, you look back.

Falling again into his blue eyes; ones deep like the ocean and feeling as though you drown into them. Getting lost with no anchor to hold back.

"Every day." Is your answer; your true and honest answer.

You can see from the look on his face-- the one that fades faster then it appeared-- that it wasn't what he was expecting you to answer with.

Letting out a sigh, you lean your head back again the wall still looking his way. "What about you?"

You ask because you do want to know, but the tone in which you say it is tired and soft.

"See ya every day, and can't help but think bout the first time I saw ya."

A warm smile makes it's way to your lips, staying small and at bay... But noticable by Daryl.

"You were with you brother," You say remembering the day as if a movie in your mind. "sitting in that death trap of a truck. He was honking at a car up in the lane, it had stalled or something."

Daryl nods as you talk; the moment as clear as a photograph.

"Yelling and cursing at the poor boy."

"Ye were standin ou'side tha place cross the street. Had ya good Sunday church clothes on."

Letting out a breathy laugh, you can't help but smile more. "You remember what I was wearing??"

Daryl stares directly into your eyes, and without missing a beat responds.

"Yellow dress; a real pale yellow like tha color at Easter time. Had ye hair in curls tha fell down past ye shoulders. And ye were wearing them white shoes ye always wore."

"My summer wedges!" You exclaim with a laugh. "God I miss those."

"Remember ye jus watched my brother when he kept goin on and on at tha kid."

"I wasn't watching your brother," You tell him, as he looks up from his gaze that had fallen to his hands in his lap. "at least not the whole time."

You remember standing outside the small cafe, hearing the commotion of cars and people yelling as you walked out.  Looking to the line of traffic that had backed up because a man couldn't get his car started, and you recall how bad you felt for him.

"I was looking at you."

Daryl's eyebrows raise just the slightest as you tell him that part.

"You sat in that passenger seat beside your brother who was picking on this stressed out boy, and instead of joining in, you didn't say a single bad thing."

"Pro'lly cause ye were lookin." Daryl mumbles, scratching his chin gently. Stubble growing into a small beard.

You shake your head, looking down at you hands that are covered by the blanket.

"That's the thing," You pause, looking back up at him. "I don't think that's true. I think that even if I wasn't there, you still wouldn't have said anything your brother said."

"That's just the type of man you are." You add, and that statement grabs his full attention.

"Wha went wrong?" He whispers; his voice close to being more vulnerable than you had ever heard it being before.

"You should know," You tell him. "you're the one who pushed me away."

With a sigh, he looks away. Ashamed.

"Wish I could jus take ya back ta that summer."

You can hear the regret dripping in the words he tells you, and can't help but feel your heart ache to kiss him right there. Right the past and take him back in that one moment. But you know... You can't.

"I wish that too, every day I think about it."

Daryl turns and looks deep into your eyes. Reaching up he cups your cheek with his warm hand.

"Then why can't we?"

Whispering the words to softly, his breath tickles your skin. His eyes plead everything his lips can't say.

"Because," You say feeling the familiar tears build in your throat. "you know that if we do this again, that the moment I tell you something deep... Something real..."

Like "I love you"

"You're gonna run again, push me away again because you can't handle the feeling of having someone who loves you unconditionally."

As eyes soften and tears fall, Daryl begins to speak up.

"Ye don't know that."

"I do," You whisper, allowing one last tear to fall for Daryl Dixon. "we both do."

A/N: Okay... This is sad! 😭

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