New Kind of Love

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(This one kind of goes with an earlier part titled Just Like Him! Second part if you will! 😀)

"She ain't really gotta wear those, does she?" Daryl questions as you hold up a pair of barely dusty sparkly pink sandles. Tiny baby shoes.

"It's a girl," You smile, rubbing your growing belly. "She's gonna have some pink Daryl."

"Ain't against the color," Daryl defends, picking up a cute teddy bear stitched jumper. "Sparkles are the thing I ain't so sure on."

"Why? Too fancy, or is it cause they'll have all the boys running to her??" You love teasing him about that kind of thing, boys and dating.

Even only five months pregnant with her, he was already setting boundries and limits on men getting near her.

"Only boy running to her should be her daddy," Daryl says rolling his eyes at my comment. "Or her big brother."

Your other little one; Daryl's mini me, was back in Alexandria. No matter how much he wanted to go with you both on this run, you couldn't face the idea of having your little boy out here. Even if he hunted with his daddy every week, and he was just as tough as him.

"She's never gonna have any fun with a big brother and a father like you to protect her."

"Damn right."

Smiling to yourself, continuing to walk down the slightly cluttered aisles, feeling a slight feeling of thankfulness that Daryl had come across this place. Who knew, a baby store just miles away.

"See I'm thinking this is more her," Daryl says to you holding up a pale pink shirt with simple white butterflies. "gotcha pink, but ain't no sparkle stuff."

Laughing you grab the fabric from him, your finger tracing the writing that reads 'Daddy's Little Princess.'

"I see your point." You tell him, knowing he isn't leaving this place without it.

Twenty minutes pass you both by, your bags filled with outfits and necessities for a newborn in just a few months. And even a toy or two that your little dude at home would love to have.

"You ever have toys like these growing up?" You ask Daryl, picking up a stuffed animal lion.

Daryl's childhood was a topic you rarely discussed and much less brought up. But you couldn't help but wonder what went through his mind looking at all the things a little boy would love to have growing up. Should have growing up.

Daryl shakes his head, setting a pair of flowery lavender sandals back on the rusty shelf. "Nah, if I wanted to play I went outside. Didn't have no toys or nothin."

"Not even a stuffed animal, or a plastic truck?" You ask lightly, not wanting to push it. But he was being open and you wanted to be let in for a moment.

"You kiddin? If Merle ever saw me with a teddy bear or somethin he'd call me a damn sissy."

You tilt your head, leaning you hip against the front counter. "You know that ain't true though, right?"

Daryl simply hums, and you know thats the end of that subject.

"You think she'll look more like me or you?" Daryl asks after rumaging through a bin of discounted clothing.

You smile softly, think back to when you wondered the same thing about your baby boy. "I don't know, I'd say you but you already have a look alike."

Daryl lets out a short laugh, "Hope she gets your looks, she's gonna need some damn luck if she comes out lookin like me."

"Stop!" You scold, lightly hitting his arm. "She'd be beautiful looking like you, with those deep blue eyes you got."

Daryl pecks your cheek as you both exit the store, ever since you'd welcomed your baby boy he was better about affection in public. Even when you first got married he was uncomfortable with, explaining that it was meant more for the bedroom and not the streets of Alexandria or whereever you were at that day with the group.

When you were pregnant for the first time, everything went slow... Yet fast at the same time. Every feeling new and all things about it exciting and scary all at once. The nine months passed before you even knew it, and when it came to number two it was no difference.

One day you and your husband are searching for baby clothes and diapers. The next, you are laying there in bed pushing out your little girl.

"There ye go," Daryl whispers in your ear as you clutch his hand hard. "ye got it baby."

Your big boy was staying with Carl and Judith until the delivery was over and you were rested enough.

The pain you thought couldn't be worse than the first time around, already knowing what to expect. But you were wrong.

Your screams bounced off the walls, each time causing Daryl to feel worse and worse that all he could do was watch you be in pain. He hated it, but held your hand anyway. Letting you squeeze it as hard as you needed, not mentioning that a couple times he could feel your nails digging into his skin and drawing blood.

Soon your agonizing screams were met with ones of a high pitched smaller cry.

"She's here baby, she's here." Daryl says, his eyes widening at the sight of Maggie handing him is newest born child.

Maggie along with Denise were there to help you with the delivery, but all you could register in the room was your husband and your newest addition.

It was one of the very few times you saw Daryl cry, his laughs of happiness and tears of joy lighting up his face as he stared down at the pink swaddled baby.

"She's," Daryl pauses walking closer to you letting you hold your daughter. "Beautiful."

You finish his comment for him, as she opens her eyes and your met with a shade of blue like no other. One that has tones of Daryl's deep blue, but had specks of a lighter and softer blue.

Sleep soon came to you, after hours upon hours of intense pain and overwhelming emotions.

Blinking your eyes open, you can see that night had fallen. The room now lit by the lamp in the corner and a few spare candles. Making the space feel comfortable and warm.

"It's gonna scare you, this world." You spot Daryl standing near the closed window, holding the little one carefully in his arms. "But you ain't got to be."

His finger hovers above her, as her tiny hand latches onto it tightly. "I'm gonna be here for you always, so is your momma. And your brother, he's gonna love you something awful."

You thought the moment between Daryl and your newborn baby boy was special... But this was something else completely.

"You gonna be strong, like your momma. You ain't gonna take shit from no one like your daddy." Although the slight language bothered you, you forgot about it as the moment made you tear up. "You gonna learn to laugh everyday like your big brother."

Bending down he kisses her forehead, "But you gonna be your own person. And I can't wait to see who ye become."

This for Daryl was a new kind of love, one that broke all fears and worries left in him. He promised her that he'd always be there for her... But you knew he promised it for himself too.

A/N: thought you guys deserved a cute one instead of a depressing one 😂❤

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