All I Need

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Your fingers dipped into the half filled tub, testing the temperature of the rising water. Only candles lit the small bathroom, and the glow of the flame reflected on the water.

"Hey." A deep southern accent brings you out of your head, and makes you look to the doorway.

"Hey," You smile softly at the body leaning against the dark wood. "bath is almost ready."

He nods simply, chewing on his thumbnail. A habit he always had, you even remember him doing that when you met him.

"You ain't gotta do this ya know." Daryl tells you, watching you sit on the edge of the tub as the water filled to just below the rim.

Still wearing a small smile you look away, "I know."

Turning off the running water, it's quiet again. "But I think we could both use it today."

Walking into the dimly lit bathroom, Daryl leans against the sink as he removes his boots.

"I should really disinfect that cut." You state, making him shake his head.

"It's fine." A deep looking cut sits on his upper left arm. Dried and fresh blood surrounding it.

Always a tough guy, something you'd gotten used to about him.

Your clothes swiftly come off, laying neatly on the side of the sink. Whereas his peal off his dirt coated and sweat sticken skin, and fall to a messy pile on the white tile floor.

You sit across from him, your body between his slightly spread legs. And this is one of those moments where the size difference between you two is nice and helpful.

Dipping a cream colored wash cloth into the water before it becomes too dirty, you ring it out before moving to wash his bare chest. The walker blood and dirt seemed to have created a layer almost, as if a second skin.

He watches as your hand holds the cloth, and smooths over his skin softly yet diligently. Daryl admires the way the flames of the candles around the two of you seem to dance in the reflection of your eyes. The eyes that every once and a while flicker upward to meet his own.

"What happened here?" You hear yourself asking, the words floating into the air before you process what you see and say. Your eyes lowering to a more jagged cut in his thigh.

"Jus a bit a barbed wire from a fence," He answers, his voice calm. "had worse."

You look up then, his deep blue eyes staring back at you. His eyes are like the ocean, a constant blue and beautiful but still has a way of taking your breath away each time you look at them.

Daryl knows you well enough to know right now the wheels in your mind are spinning, thinking of his past, thinking of all the pain he's endured and how that makes you hurt. "Hey, c'mere."

Grabbing your hands that hold tightly to the cloth, he pulls you gently into his chest. Turning your body so that your back is laying comfortably against his cleaned bare chest.

"I hate seeing you hurt." You say, your voice feeling distant and wavers.

Kissing the top of your head softly, the warmth making a chill go up your spine. And the smell of light strawberries brings a small flutter to Daryl's heart.

"Don't know how many times I gotta tell you I'm fine," Daryl says, his voice low but soft and assuring. "here and out there."

Leaning your head back farther as it can go, you stay quiet. Just sitting there in the warm water, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The thumps a soothing rhythm.

"I just worry," You whisper, feeling his arms curl around you. "that's all."

You can feel the edges of his lips turn upward, as he smiles into the crook of your shoulder. "I know, and I guess that's another reason I love ya so much."

Biting your lower lip, you close your eyes. "Never had anyone who worried so much bout me in my life, until I met 'cha."

Your hands hold onto his much larger arm that hugs your stomach. The warmth from his skin significantly warmer then that of the water.

"Sometimes I think," You pause, swallowing a small lump growing in your throat. "that you'd rather have someone who went out on runs like you. Who was able to be fearless all of the time like Maggie or Michonne. Who wasn't scared of havin to kill to survive like Carol."

Daryl makes a low noise, a grunt that rumbles against your back. "Ain't ever wanted that."

Kissing your shoulder, the feel of his lips on your skin one of your favorites.

"I like the part of ya that don't gotta kill to survive, you got your hope and your faith keepin you goin."

Daryl never grew up with any faith, with his childhood why would he? But as he met you, and began learning that there was more to life through you, You taught him faith. You taught him what it meant to believe and what it could do.

"I like the part of ya that don't have to be fearless all the time, you are when it really matters. Being scared still means somethin; means there's a part of ya still livin. I ain't got that part of me anymore."

Daryl didn't want to admit it to you, but he did still have it. When he thought he'd be losing you or you'd end up leaving him... That scared him.

"You ain't got to go on runs with me, I like that ya don't. Staying back here, keeps in my head that you're safe."

Feeling his fingers play with strands of your hair, that fall just past your shoulder, makes you feel warm inside. A small thing he does that always makes you smile.

"I don't need no one else," Daryl says, his breath warm against your cheek. "I got you. And that's all I need."

A/N: 😍really love this one got to admit!

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