Just Like You

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Waking up in the queen sized bed beside your husband, in the home you picked out when you got to Alexandria was like a dream. Every day the same wonderful dream.

Except this morning you wake up to bouncing and giggling.

"Mommy mommy!" Your four year old says, opening your eyes you're met with his deep blue eyes.

"Hey little guy." You whisper, seeing that Daryl is still asleep.

"Daddy still sleep?" you nod, as he curls up in between you and Daryl.

"Why are you up so early?" You ask him. He's still dressed in his camo pajamas and his eyes are brighter than the sun coming up outside.

He got them from his father.

"Daddy's taking me out today!" He says, his voice so small and precious.

"Oh that's right." You remember, smiling at how excited the little one is.

"Why don't you go see if cartoons are on and I'll wake Daddy up."

Grinning he runs out of the room, ready for tv time.

Turning on your side you look lovingly at your husband sound asleep, his long hair covering his eyes.

Kissing his neck softly, he shifts. "Why you up so early?" He mumbles, his voice laced with sleep.

"A little birdie woke me up," you laugh. "and is now waiting for his father to get up and get ready for their day out."

"It's a bit early." Daryl mumbles, his eyes staying shut.

"Yes, but you like going out early to hunt."

Daryl smiles to himself, nuzzling his face deeper into the crook of your neck. "He's learnin."

After about ten extra minutes you both get up, you go off to the kitchen to start on breakfast and pack some lunch for the boys.

"Look Daddy, look!" You hear your little one squeal through the vent.

"Well don't you look handsome." Daryl's voice is more distant from rooms away but you can still make out most of the conversation.

"Momma says that you badass lookin. So I too, badass." You have to bite you lower lip to keep from laughing at the adorableness of the little boy.

Minutes later you hear thuds down the stairs, two sets of heavy boots descending down the wooden steps.

Turning to look at them as they walk into the room, you can't help but smile at the sight.

Daryl in his usual dark jeans, black shirt with his Jean jacket and vest on. Looking very much like... Well him.

And standing beside him holding his hand, is his son. Dressed in almost the same attire, even a matching Angel winged vest.

"Don't you two look badass." You say walking up to kiss both of them before they get going.

Daryl looks down at his boy as he tugs on his hand. "Told ya daddy."

Brushing some hair out of his face, you kiss Daryl's forehead as your son goes to grab his lunch bag. "Keep him safe okay."

"What? No be safe for me?" Daryl wonders as he snakes his arms around your waist.

"Don't have to tell you that," You smile. "no one smart messes with a Dixon."

He kisses you quick as the little one isnt looking. "We'll be back later, just fine."

You nod, knowing Daryl would go to the ends of the earth to keep his little boy safe.

Daryl had told you once he never saw himself becoming a father, after the one he had who knew how he'd end up. But looking at him now, as he sits beside his son helping pour the milk into his cereal bowl, there is no father that could love that child more. No person that could make the boy's smile bigger and no one who could make that little soul happier.

As they finish their breakfast, the small child shoveling his food into his mouth. Copying his father's movement's, they clean up and get ready to go.

"Bye mommy." Huging your legs you crouch down to hug him back.

"I love you, have fun but listen to daddy too okay." Kissing the top of his head, where his hair is starting to grow longer. Another thing that will soon look the same as Daryl's.

The day seemed to pass slowly as you were busy with either something around the house or in the community. But never seemed to go fast since the boys were always on your mind.

Night fell, and as you were getting ready for bed and turning the porch lights on for the boys you see them walking down the street.

Daryl with his crossbow slung over his back and his son sitting proudly on his shoulders a much smaller crossbow across his back as well.

"You two look like you had a good day." You say walking out onto the porch to greet them.

Daryl looks up at his little boy that giggles, "we sure did."

Laughing you look at how dirty your son got, "go take a bath buddy before bed. Your filthy from being out all day."

Daryl helps him down as we watch him run off, looking as dirty and sweaty as Daryl. But at least you know that he'll take a bath, Daryl still difficult on that subject.

"He's a good kid that one." Daryl says as you lean your head on his shoulder. Still standing out in the cool weather on the front porch.

"Yeah, just like his daddy." You say kissing his sweat coated cheek.

Daryl smiles, "He's growin up fast though."

His voice for solemn as he realizes the little ones never stay that small forever.

"He sure is," You say and look up at him. "think you're ready to do it all over again?"

His eyebrows bend in confusion, "what?"

"I'm thinking it may be a girl this time." You move to stand in front of him. Taking his dirt covered hands and pressing them against your stomach.

Daryl's smile grows as he begins to laugh to himself, "can't believe it."

Kissing you, he doesnt have to tell you how excited he is. How ready he is for baby number two.  You see in the way his eyes light up and the way he holds you now.

A/N: Just a cute one❤

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