Dinner for Two

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The church was lit with a dim orange glow. One that made shadows dance across the four walls that surrounded you, and made the aura inside warmer. Calmer even.

Almost everyone who inhabited the church was asleep; except for you and Daryl Dixon. All others had found pews to rest on, or the shoulders of another. They all found rest and peaceful sleep as you all had a roof and four walls again. Yet even so, and even in the comforting warmth of the sacred church, sleep had yet to find you.

Staring ahead at the details that lined the interior of the small church, you don't hear Daryl's surprisingly quiet footsteps. You don't even realize he's beside you until his shadow casts over you, darkness consuming you for a short moment.

Looking up at the redneck who stands by the edge of the pew, you notice two cans in his hands. "Ye should eat."

His voice is quiet. Gentle. His eyes jump from yours to the floor back to yours, only looking straight at you for a few seconds at a time until he has to look away. His shyness, like he is right now, you always found it cute. It was the last word you would ever use to describe Daryl Dixon, yet you couldn't think of another word for his shy adolescent demeanor when he was around you.

It made him more human though. It made his rough exterior and the mask he wore, fade. Made him look more like a man from the old world, and not that of a soilder in the new.

"Thank you." You reply, taking the can handed out to you. The metal warm from where Daryl's hand held it.

Picking up the plastic spoon, you spot Daryl beginning to inch away uncomfortably. And trying your hardest to mask your growing smile, you speak up.

"You can sit, if you want."

He was like a baby fawn deep in a clearing in the forest. Any quick movement and he would bolt, any big gesture and he would scare.

Daryl stands at the edge of the pew for a moment, as if he were weighing the options in his head. But slowly, he takes the seat beside you. The bench squeaking slightly from his weight as he leans back against the wood.

The orange glow of the room makes his face look softer. It boldens the blue of his eyes and almost takes all of the tired marks away from his skin. But in that glow, the sweat still slick on his skin from the summer heat glistens.

Looking away from the man who sits beside you, before he catches your curious eye, you look down at the slice of peach your spoon picks up. The juice shinning in the low light, and the sweetness instantly touching your senses as you bring the peach to your lips.

You both chew your sweet canned fruit in silence, not necessarily needing any words to fill the void. This was enough.

As the late night draws on, you find yourself slowly drifting. Maybe it's because the moon is high and the time is late. Maybe it's the warm aura inside of the small church. Or perhaps, it's Daryl's comforting and safe presence that allows your body to feel that it can finally rest. That you can shut your eyes and he will be there. With you... For you... Keeping his keen eye peeled as yours flutter shut.

But just as your mind begins to float off fully, your head falls to Daryl's shoulder. His broad and warm skin catching your head as it rests there for a short second before you jerk upward. Looking over at him, as you find he's already looking down at you, you send him a small sheepish smile. Your cheeks no doubt flushing pink but hopefully left unnoticed in the dark ambience of the room.

"Sorry." You whisper in a breath so soft you question if it even entered the air. But watching Daryl stare at you, you know he heard you.

But neither one of you moves. It's as if time slowed, and all you both could do was stare at each other. Look to one another and study the other person.

"Should get some sleep." Daryl says after a long pause of silence passes by. Despite clearing his throat, his words still come out gruff and in a low rumble from deep within his chest. But his eyes soften the slight rasp in his words.

"Yeah," You whisper breathlessly, unable to pull your eyes away from his mesmerizing blues. "I should."

But neither one of you moves. And time slows once more... This time coming to a complete hault. Leaving you to wonder who is to make the first move. For whoever does will break this moment, and you fear you may never get this again.

But it stays quiet. It stays still. Daryl studies you as you watch him in the same way. His eyes had long ago found yours and it's as if he's lost. Trying to find a way to pull himself back. But the longer you look to him... You realize maybe the person who's lost is you.

Time flutters back slowly, as your eyes flicker from his deep blues down his tan face. Every line, every spot until your eyes settle on his lips. The ones that the light has created shadows against. Looking back up to his eyes, you swear you saw Daryl do the same.

The breath from your lungs dissipates as you both inch forward. Almost in slow motion. One inch forward, then stopping, then a little bit closer. And it isn't till your lips touch his, and Daryl's lips touch yours that your eyes flutter shut.

His lips are still at first, timid trepidation almost palpable on his chapped lips. But as time returns, his lips move slowly with yours. And as you kiss, it's like a dance. One you both know the steps for and one you both willingly do together.

Neither one of you in particular pulls back first, but together. And staring up at him with a shy breathless smile, you rest your shoulder against him again. This time on purpose, and this time you stay there.

For in that little church, in the candlelit night, two people found each other. And when morning was to come, neither would be the same.

A/N: I really liked the idea for this one, I hope it came out well and that you all like it!

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