Back in His Arms

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Taking the key out of the ignition, you pick up the half fallen asleep child in the seat beside you. Placing him on your hip as you shut the door to the rusted old truck.

Walking up the familiar gravel road to a large wooden porch, lights are shinning indicating people are home. A man you've never seen sits out on one of the chairs, and you hear faint talking from indoors.

Opening the screen door, the smell of familiarity and home surrounds you. All the childhood memories instantly hitting you as you walk into the farmhouse.

"Daddy? Maggie? Beth?" You call out, trying not to wake your son held carefully in your arms. But loud enough to grab someone's attention.

Soon your father walks out of the spare bedroom, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and sweat lining his brow. His eyes as soft as you remembered and his grown white beard lining most of his face.

"Sweetheart." He whispers lovingly, walking towards you. Taking both you and your son in for a hug.

"Hi daddy," You smile, and set your little boy down on the hardwood flooring as he'd fully woken up. "can you say hi to grandpa Hershel baby?"

The four year old grins widely up at the older man, before running off towards the kitchen.

Laughing, your father turns back to you. "Been a while since I've seen that beautiful face, yours too."

"I know." You sigh, wishing you saw your family more. But once you got married, you had moved a ways away. And the drive back home wasn't always the easiest to make.

"How's he doing? And Daryl, how is he?" Your father asks about your son and husband. As you go to answer, you see Patrica exit the same bedroom from the corner of your eye.

" He's doing fine," You tell him regarding your son. "Daryl's good too... At least I hope."

"He's not with you?"

Shaking your head, that same sting of pain hits your heart. The aching for your husband growing stronger. "We got separated, when this all started. And I went looking for him but I decided it was best that we both come on home."

Your father nods understandingly, but can clearly see the pain on your face.

"He'll find you," He assures you, bringing you into another warm embrace. "the Lord always has a plan."

A slight squeal makes you release the hug you hold your father in and look up, to see your slightly younger sister running towards you.

Her brown curls bouncing, and her arms grasping you into a hug.

"Oh I've missed you." She exclaims, and you see Beth hugging your son in the kitchen. Hearing more sounds of happiness float through the house.

"Me too Maggie, been too long since the last visit."

Pulling back, she continues to smile at you. "Daryl here? Where is that darn redneck huh?"

Laughing softly, you soon turn somber shaking your head.

"Can I ask," You pause, changing the subject. "who that man on the porch is?"

"Oh," Maggie nods, and walks me to the slightly open door to the extra bedroom. "His names Glenn. And that's Carl, his father Rick and mother Lori."

Peaking in, you see a small boy-- a few years older than your own-' laying in the bed. Pale and sweating. A crying mother, and man who looked as though he was going to pass out hovering over him.

"Otis shot him," Beth says, coming up from behind to hug you. "on accident though."

"Where did they come from? I mean where have they been all this time?" You wonder curiously.

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