That Night

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You stood there on the porch, beside Daryl, and Lori. In shock just like the rest of them that stood behind you at the sight in front of you all.

The large wooden barn, now a firery blaze. The flames climbing higher and higher in rich colors of orange and yellow.

You heard them speaking of what to do; how Hershal would go down with this farm... His farm if he had to. You heard as Lori cried not knowing where her young son was, and Carol's effort as to comfort her. You heard it all, but could only focus in on one person.

Daryl Dixon.

He was getting ready to go out there, to fight for you all. Arrows ready and ammo loaded in his gun. But thinking about him facing the herd that only seemed to grow in size-- and possibly losing-- something tugged at you from inside your chest. Something unnerving and unsettling.

As he jumped over the white painted porch railing, heading in the direction of his parked motorcycle. You follow after him, only taking the steps down instead.

"Daryl!" You shout, and you almost don't recognize your own voice.

From the tightening in your chest as his name passes through your lips, you feel the single word tremble in the air. Vulnerability and fear showing now, especially as you run the small distance towards him.

He turns around with an irriated and slightly alarmed look on his face. His eyebrows raise as he waits for you to say something, knowing there's more to this.

"I--" Stumbling over the words hammering inside your chest and the thoughts swirling together in your mind, you stutter.

Maybe it's the pressure of the situation; knowing you can't stand here with him forever as the walkers don't care if you have something important to tell him. Maybe it's the intimidation that always radiates off Daryl. Or perhaps it's your own personal fear of rejection, or judgement. Fear that you'll make a fool of yourself in front of him.

But as you feel the darkness of the night around the two of you, and the glow in the corner of your eye from the fire, you realize that you can only fear one thing at a time right now. And embarrassing yourself isn't as terrifying compared to being eaten alive by the monsters overtaking the farm.

Snapping out of your head, Daryl still has that irritated waiting look on his face.

"I need you to stay alive."

Daryl's eyebrows that were once raised in annoyed patience now bend in confusion at your sudden care for him.

Walking the last few steps between the two of you, your hands reach out and craddle his face gently. Before pressing your lips to his.

Your eyes shut tight as your heart beats faster in your chest.

You can feel the warmth of his tanned and slightly burned skin, and the stubble against his jaw underneath your fingers.

His lips are still; in shock no doubt from the action you just took. In the short seconds you kiss him, you feel towards the end as his lips hesitantly kiss you back. Moving slowly in sync with your own, until you pull away.

Your hands dropped down and touch his denim clothed chest, looking up at him through your lashes. Thankful for the darkness as you feel the pink flood your cheeks.

"I need you to stay alive." You whisper to him again, your words for the first time tonight sounding steady and certain.

He looks at you, something hidden behind his eyes. Not giving anything away until he nods a shy and quick nod to you. Backing up to get to his bike, but he never breaks eye contact on his way.

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