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"We're on easy street, and it feels so sweet..."

Your eyes shut tightly, resting your head back against the hard wall. The song started over... Again. Making your head pound as it is cranked to the loudest volume. You hadn't slept in days, but you knew that was their goal.

Your teeth grinde together as your hands raise to cover your ears. You know it won't help any, having tried it already, but you do it anyways.

The cell is cold; dark and musty. There's an eeirness to the darkness that you know would be worse if you were left to silence. You luckily, were given a pair of grey sweatpants and a short sleeve shirt matching in the depressing shade of grey. It doesn't give you much warmth, but it's more than Daryl got.

He sat next to you, leaning against the same wall with his knees brought up to his chest. Close enough that if he moved a little to the left your shoulders would touch. They stripped him; of his clothes and of his dignity. He hadn't spoken a word to you in the three days that you had both been held captive in the cell, just handing you the larger half of the atrocious food they provided you both with. Stale bread with dog food smeared between the slices.

You wanted to say something to Daryl, had wanted to for days. But you couldn't think of anything to say. Nothing seemed important or good enough to share with him as you both sat there helpless and tortured.

The last time he spoke to you was in the back of the truck as they drove you both to the sanctuary. After watching Glenn and Abraham get their heads bashed in by Negan, and then getting taken by his men.

"I'mma get ye outta this." Daryl's eyes were still that deep blue color as all other color in his face was drained from blood loss. But he looked at you, promising you with his eyes that he would.

You knew he believed he deserved the torture happening to him, you could see it. But Daryl never believed that you did. You two were involved and you were his weakness, that's the only reason they took you along. They believed that breaking you, would break Daryl ten times faster.

The blaring music coming to a hault brings you from your scattered thoughts, and you look towards the door as it opens up. Dwight stands in the doorway, and you have to shield your eyes in the bright light flooding into the cell. 

"Negan wants to see you." He says and moves forward, grabbing your upper arm and lifting you to your feet. You look back at Daryl before the door shuts, and he's lifted his head. His eyes looking to you and even though he says nothing as you are taken away, it feels like he's saying everything to you with his eyes.

The dim hallway twists and turns and you know without a map or knowing the place well, you won't be able to find a way out of here. Dwight's hold on your arm is firm and you can feel it bruising as you are weaker than normal now.

Stopping in front of a red door, Dwight twists open the knob. Inside is a bedroom, one with a large bed and a small kitchen attached. A television set and a rack of clothing, and there in the chair sitting in the corner is Negan.

"There she is." His smile is sadistic, and it sends chills down your spine. Dwight closes the door and it feels as though he just cut the oxygen off with it. Your chest constricts as Negan gets up and walks over to you.

"For someone so beautiful," He pauses, leaning in even closer. "You sure look like shit."

A laugh escapes past his lips and he balances back on Lucille, grinning at you. You aren't sure now which is worse, his smile or his laugh.

"I hope there's no hard feelings about the living situation at the moment. I hate doing this to a woman such as yourself, but you and Daryl seem to have a close relationship. I think Daryl has potential, and I have to use the resorces I got to get him there. And you, are that valuable resorce at the moment."

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now