Baby, Put Your Records On

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The long day was setting into dusk, as the once bright blue sky faded to a deep purple with light pink streaks. There was still blue hidden within, turning to a darker royal color blue.

You watched out the window humming to yourself, as you waited to see that one man walk up the street to the home you both share.

The man who would be dressed in his usual worn out boots, ripped and dirt powdered pants. Angel wings stitched on the vest he almost never took off.

The man who carried a large weapon with at all times, even though the community frowned upon weapons not in the armory. 

The man who looked and acted scarier than he really was, a man who shielded anyone close to him from emotions he felt. Except for you.

You sat there waiting like you did every night for the man you got to call yours.

Seeing him trudge up the street, and stop up the steps you watch him go to open the door but stop to wipe his shoes on the mat.

Something you got him to start doing after you chose to lock him out of the house after finding a trail of bloody and muddy boot prints on the clean floor.

You smiled as the door opened and the very tired looking man stepped in.

The smell of fresh cinnamon from a candle you found, swirled around him and the heat felt nice after a day out in the becoming colder autumn weather.

"Gotcha somethin today." He mumbled to you, as he unlaced his shoes. Taking them off and walking over to where you sat.

"Really?" You ask excitedly. Daryl often brought you back small things, items he'd see on runs that made him think of you.

The candle for instance, he found about a week ago. The book you read to him every night before you both go to bed he found a couple weeks back, and last week he also found you a pair of cute little socks after he complained to you how cold your feet were at night.

Under his arm was a large square, the item that would've had a title had been faded out too much to read. But opening it up on the end, was a shiney black record.

You mouth opened a bit in surprise, as the house had a record player... Yet no records.

"You didn't!" You exclaim, making Daryl laugh softly at your ethusiasm.

You knew Daryl wasn't the biggest fan of music, at least not now and days. He complained whenever Rick played a CD in the car on a run, or when Deanna had some playing at one of her parties which you could hear from a few houses away.

"Go 'head, play it." Leaning back into the brown fabric couch, You get up. Placing the record down, and getting it ready to play.

Soon the sound of the needle began, and was shortly followed by a sweet melody.

"Three little birds, sat on my window and they told me you don't have to worry."

There was something about having music again, in the world that you knew now that made the song feel much more like a release. Something you used to adore being brought back into this gone to shit kind of world.

But upon just the musical fact, the words sounding beautiful as they drifted into your ears And every corner of the room. The fact that it was from Daryl, that he not only found but brought this back to you made it feel even more special.

Turning back to face him, you see him watching your hips sway lightly and your smile grow with each passing verse.

Holding your hand out, you motion for him to dance with you.

He blows out a breath of air, as he begins to chuckle at you. "Nah, ain't no way I'm gonna dance."

"Come on," You plead, and not only with your voice but your eyes. Something he's never been good at saying no to. "Just one dance."

He stares at you, a battle going on in his head. But soon he lifts himself off the couch, and takes your hand.

It feels small and petite in his larger, much more calloused hand. But his skin is warm, and feels good on your own.

Your arms wrap around his neck as his find your waist. The touch at first is awkward for him, as he feels uncomfortable and has not a clue what he's doing.

But soon he relaxes, letting himself fade just for a moment into the music. Into the moment. Into you.

"Girl, Put your records on. Play me your favorite song, just go ahead let your hair down."

You can't help the warm smile growing on your face, as you gaze up into his eyes.

It's tiny, meaningful moments like these that make you feel hope in all the caos in the world. That makes you believe that human kind hasn't lost the ability to love in times when it seems like people can't anymore.

"You're gonna find yourself someday, somehow..."

That life can be beautiful, if you just look for the small most meaningful moments and not the big and exciting.

That love, that hope, that beauty is all still here. If you just take time to find it and remember it.

A/N: this is one of my favorites!❤😍 

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