Just Beautiful, That's All

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Daryl watched you as you got out of bed, the cream colored sheets falling off your bare body. He sat on the edge of the bed, already dressed, but stayed behind as you were waking up.

Last night was the first time you'd been intimate with each other. And waking up this morning, bare in each others arms was something you'd both be glad to get used to.

You rumiged through the old wooden drawers, finding new clothes to put on for the new day. You were happy to find a new pair of everything, being able to feel somewhat clean.

Daryl continued to watch you as you clasped your bra on and as you slide the black pair of underwear up your legs. You could feel his eyes on you, and could almost feel him not trying to run over your body with them. But you didn't mind, not one bit.

Last night you were able to wash your body and shampoo your hair for the first time in months, still smelling the light lilac scent on your messy curls.

"You ain't regrettin last night," Daryl speaks up. "are ya?"

You turn, finishing buttoning the dark denim jeans you found.

Intimacy had been something new for the both of you, and with Daryl you knew if you took this step it meant things with him were serious. That he truly cared for you, and you truly cared for him.

"No," Shaking your head you feel a warm smile begin to grow on your lips. "not at all."

Daryl nodded his head, a million things floating through his mind.

He wasn't regretting anything either. He now understood why his brother always had woman over for a whole new reason, the way it felt to be that way with someone. Except he felt he did it for better reasons. Not just lust, but for love.

"I ain't regrettin it either." He tells you, making sure you knew he enjoyed it. And that he wasn't leaving you just because he made it into your pants. He wanted you to know he's staying because he loves you.

Smiling as you toss a sweatshirt over your plain black t-shirt, you step towards him. Standing in between his legs, and bending down slightly to kiss the top of his head.

Walking back over to the dresser, looking in the small cracked glass mirror, you look at your reflection.

But looking in the corner you see his eyes watching you again, and you can also tell he's thinking hard about something. About what is anyone's guess.

"You gonna tell me what's on your mind?" You ask, deciding to lace up your boots. The tight leather returning the feeling of a hug around your ankles.

He shakes his head, casting his eyes off you. Trying to hide what you've already seen. "Ain't nothin on my mind."

You let out a light laugh, walking back over and sitting beside him on the mattress. "You ain't foolin me Dixon,"

Nudging his shoulder with your own, "what's up?"

You push only because you care. And you know even though he'll fight you on talking about things, once he's done so he feels better.

He lets out a sigh, "Its nothin, really it ain't."

"Then why do I feel like it is?" You ask, resting your head on his shoulder. Feeling the warmth of his skin through the fabric he wears and smelling the soap you got him to use last night in the shower.

He lets out a low chuckle, something he doesn't do often, but you still love when he does.

Looking at you, his beautiful Georgia blues locked with yours. "Ye just beautiful," Daryl answers. "that's all."

Maybe it was the way he said it; with a hint of nervousness but still sure of what he wanted to say. Or maybe it was the way he looked at you as he spoke the words; his eyes never drifting away from yours.

You can't help the pink rising to your cheeks and a smile landing on your lips. Your heart beating hard yet fluttering all at the same time.

Shaking your head you lean closer to him, "You're something else Dixon."

Whispering against his lips, he finally pushes just barely to kiss you. The feeling familiar and something that seemed to get better time after time.

Daryl pulls back, his hand craddling your cheek. His thumb rumbing your skin softly, a look of fascination in his eyes as he looks at you.

"In a world so filled a shit, still stuns me that ya here with me."

"Why's that?" You ask, your lips so close to touching his again. You were teasing him now, wanting to hear more of those types of things come from his mouth. Things that seemed too soft for Daryl Dixon.

"Ya just don't see beauty like this anymore."

Smiling you push your lips to his once more, relishing in the moment. For right now everything seemed okay, everything seemed perfect.

You didn't know what to expect from the day once you walked out that door. But here, with him, you knew that this was something you weren't going to risk losing.

A/N: Swoon!😍 Daryl, love ya baby more and more!😍😂

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