Falling for Ya

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He had trust issues, You knew that. He likes space, You understood that.

You liked to help, he knew that. You had taken a liking to him, and he understood that.

There was something about each other that drew you both in, something you couldn't pin point as to what. And something neither of you acted on.

Just a smile here or there from you, and a nod of acknowledgement from him.

"You're head over heels aren't you?" Your sister had asked you one day, as you watched from the porch as Daryl walked down the street.

You couldn't help but smile at the truth.

You were about to go inside, following your sister as Daryl was too far to see now. But telling stopped you, turning back and hearing shouts coming from the gates.

Running in that direction you arrive with a small crowd of people, to see Daryl on top of whoever was on guard at that time.

Punching him over and over, as they both looked as though they wanted to kill each other.

Daryl always had the look that he had killed in his life, but you'd never seen upclose this behavior.

Running closer, to where you could hear the connection of skin to breaking bone clearer.

Rick runs behind you too, both of you wanting stop him.

"Daryl!" You heard yourself scream as you were now standing beside the two men.

Reaching out trying to pull him back, his elbow flies back hitting you hard in the stomach. So hard that it sends you shooting back onto the pavement.

"Daryl," Rick grand hold of him as your vision begin to become blackened at the edges. "Not here."

As he stands panting, Rick holding him back. His eyes fall away from Deanna who scolds them both and soon land on you.

Before you black out you're able to see the look in his eyes, the look of regret.

When you finally wake up, you are unsure of how long you've been unconscious. You look around surrounded by four pale walls laying on a cot. A bandage over your what you guess are bruised ribs.

"You been waiting out here?" You hear from the other side of the door. The voices are faint but you make out some.

"Yeah, wanted ta check on 'er"

Daryl. His voice you recognize instantly.

"You can go in, take this water for her when you do."

The talking stops, and is soon replaced with the door opening slowly. Allowing a beam of light to appear in the dim room and disappear just as fast when the door closes.

You can spot the dried blood still caked on his knuckles, and his pants have a rip in the knee.

"How're ye feelin?" His voice guided by that deep accent are low yet laced with concern.

Your eyes flicker up to meet his, as he sits on the edge of the cot uncomfortably. Not wanting to be too close, but not really wanting to stand.

"I'm okay."

He hands you the water bottle without a word, chewing on his thumbnail.

"Were you waiting outside?" You find yourself asking. Running your thumb over the rim of the cap, not taking it off to drink out of.

Daryl simply shrugs.

"Didn't mean ta hit 'cha like I did." He confesses, and you can tell apologies are something quite foreign for him.

You smile softly, shaking your head. "Its okay, Really I'm fine."

Assuring him, he still sits there. Looking as though he wants to say something else, but can't.

"I ain't good at this. . . stuff." Daryl says, picking at the blood and dirt on his hands.


Sighing he tries to explain, "With ye know, talking and stuff."

Laughing a little you realize what he's trying to say, "Oh, You mean feelings?"

Nodding timidly you see the faintest blush of pink on his cheeks, but soon fade as though  it was never there.

"That's alright, I'm not very good at them either." You say and he lifts his head slightly, looking at you not quite believing that.

"I mean if I was good at feelings and talking about them," You pause to let out a soft laugh. "I woulda told you how much I liked ya by now."

You can hear his breath hitch and you look at him through your eyelashes. Feeling a slight mix of confidence and nervousness.

It was out there now, no way to get that back.

"You uh," He clears his throat akwardly. "you actually uh, ye know."

Scratching the back of his neck, you laugh.  Moving closer to him, you gently kiss his cheek. Smelling the pine on his skin.

"Thought I woulda blown this when I hit 'cha."

Laughing more, you bring your lips to meet his. Catching him off guard in the best kind of way.

A/N: what do you think? I'm not sure bout this one.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now