Single Beat

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Walking in the decent weather with Maggie, you had been so happy when she came to Hilltop earlier that day. Grateful that she was okay.

Your mind couldn't help but float to Daryl. His well being unknown, and your heart beating faster with anxiety everyday you were away from him.

"How are you holding up?" Maggie asks as you begin to approach the others who were gathered in a small group talking about something.

You are surprised by the question, considering it's been a while since you'd seen her and you should probably be asking her that question.

You shrug, "Day by day thing."

She left it at that, not saying any encouraging things because in this world... Those are as good as lies.

Daryl was your rock. Always had been since the beginning, and that hadn't changed over the past few years. Without him here you were floating away, further out to sea without your anchor to hold you in place.

Daryl would never admit, or at least not more than once that you were the same for him. That important to him, his anchor.

You heard the gate open, but stay facing Maggie and Rick as they choose to look in that direction. You're off in your own head, as you usually are now and days.

The only real escape and distraction you can get from all that's happened, and the empty void Daryl used to fill.

Maggie's elbow bumps your ribs making you lift your head and look where everyone else is looking.

There walking towards you all, with Jesus trailing close behind him is Daryl himself.

You feel your chest constrict, each breath becoming more and more difficult. Your heart pounding so loud you can't hear anything but the thump, thump, thump.

He seems like a hallucination. A wonderful miracle like hallucination.

He stops walking looking at everyone, his face staying still yet his eyes screaming all the things he can't say.

You can feel a stinging in your eyes you realize shortly as tears.

Tears that make you gasp softly, an overwhelming wave of relief by just seeing him.

Daryl's eyes find yours, lifting his head up and down once. As to casually acknowledge you, but soon his act is dropped.

As his walls begin to crumble, and you can see the sobs beginning to take place... You run.

You run to him, wrapping him in your arms. His arms soon snake around your waist, holding you closer and tighter than ever before.

He smells of sweat, and something musty. But there is still that underlining scent of him. Of pine mixed with pure testosterone.

You feel a dampness growing on your shoulder as he cries into your skin. His tears soaked up by the dark green fabric you wear.

Yours being soaked up by his dark navy shirt.

The feel of him holding you again, just the touch of his rough and calloused hands makes your heart jump.

"You're okay," You whisper, almost too quietly. "you're here and you're okay."

He pulls back from your shoulder, to look you in the eye. His hair seems longer than when you last saw him, but maybe that's only because the last vision you had of him was a dark night.

His hand craddles your cheek, and he looks at you as if he's studying you. Looking at the color your eyes hold, and the way your lower lip is fuller than the top.

In that moment nothing but him matters. Time stops as this is the moment you prayed would come.

"You're okay." His voice repeats words you spoke to him, his voice fills your ears. And it's like the songs bird's sing on new spring mornings.

"What did they--" You shake your head, biting your lip unable to keep talking.

"Hey," His thumb runs over your bottom lip gently. "I'm okay."

His reassurance is to make you feel better or maybe more so he can forget what they did. Whatever the reason, it works.

"I love you." You cry, relieved that you could tel him that again.  That was something that scared you, the fact that you may never get to tell Daryl you loved him... Just one last time.

"I love you." Daryl had never been one for public affection, or even deep lovey things like this in private. It was rare that he'd say that to you, but hearing him say those three words.. Right here.. Right now..

Was all you needed.

Knowing he was alright. Knowing he was here with you.
Knowing he loved you just as much you you loved him.

The both of you having your heart's beat as one.

A/N: okay I really like this one. Some parts may be off from the episode but tbh I haven't seen the episode yet. But I really loved writing this one. Btw; if you enjoy this story of longer Daryl stories... Check out Bethyl: A collection of Short Stories by @bethyl her work is amazing!❤

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now