Shinning Light

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Her hair was a overflowing river of messy curls; tangles that eventually fell onto his face by morning. The scent of sweet soap and something so simple like the wind was something Daryl had gotten used to waking up to. The feeling one that could always bring a warm smile to his face; no matter what his day was to hold, that first moment as his eyes opened was always the best.

Her eyes reminded Daryl of the moon; something that was always there lit up bright but many times overlooked. But then some days, Daryl would look to them and be guided. Just as the moon does on the darkest of nights, her eyes were his guiding light.

Sparks were sent up his spine every time her hands slid up his skin. Whether she was just grasping his hand in hers, or she was running then softly and sensually up and down his chest late at night. The touch of her hands brought such a power over his body; melting him instantly.

Her lips... Those were a completely different story. They not only caused him to melt, but they caused Daryl to fully fall. Head first into unknown territory as love overtook his senses.

Her soft and tender kisses left on his chapped lips left a warmth he could feel lingering on during the long day. And her kisses that left trails down his back some morning to wake him up, or down his chest like a butterfly landing. They all left the feeling of a spark; a warmth he'd never felt before left on his skin.

Hugs; sometimes for Daryl felt more intimate than a kiss. This was allowing the person you loved to hold you in your time of need, not easily turning away but to fully show your wounds. Your scars... Your pain.

She didn't always need to use words with Daryl, sometimes it was better if she didn't. But when she did, they had a way of opening his eyes to see what he had been blind to. Every time; showing him a new sight.

Her body was intoxicating; especially when only his shirt hung loose at night to her tanned skin. Somehow making his clothing look better on her than it ever could on himself, and he was fine with that.

He liked the way her legs looked kicked over his lap, her sun kissed skin out in front of him. As if to tease him, to taunt him.

Her laugh though; was his favorite sound in the world. Better than the first song from the birds in the spring time, and so much better then any record that could be played. The way her giggles escaped her lips like a melody only he could get her to sing. Sweet notes that echoed in his head and had his heart beating harder and deeper as every time he could feel himself falling for her more than he thought he could.

Late at night, or early in the morning as he would slip into bed late, whether the reason being hours on watch or out at dawn on a hunt... He loved being able to gather her body into his arms. Pressing her back to his chest, and resting his head gently in the crook of her neck. All boundaries crossed and every sense touched.

Sometimes she'd notice and softly smile as she snuggled further back into his warmth. Other times she hadn't a clue, until she woke later on with Daryl's arms holding her tightly.

Daryl wanted to make sure she felt safe, and protected all of the time. Almost like the way a mother feels towards their child; always looking out for danger that could harm them. He wanted her to feel content where she was and not have to worry about what was out in that world. All the death, all the sorrow beyond the walls and fences the prison provided.

Above all the hope for safety, and protection, for happiness and contentment... Daryl wanted her to feel love.

Pure and unconditional love; a kind he tried everyday to give to her. Something he had to learn to find inside his heart, but he hoped he was showing her enough.

She saw how hard he worked to have her know just how much his love extended for her, even in the little things... She knew.

Whether she was laughing in only his long and faded shirt, or holding onto him as she slept soundly he couldn't help but look at her in a certain way.

Looking at her as though she was something greater... And she was.

An angel. She was his angel; his shinning light in the darkest times. His star in an empty sky, and his candle to follow when he was lost.

She was his angel in the midsts of hell.

He didn't know how it was possible for something so pure and so beautiful to still exist in this type of world, but whenever he started to question it he stopped. Remembering that she was his angel; and angels couldn't always be explained.

And with a light like hers... He was okay with that.

A/N: This one is written a little differently, what did you guys think? I kept going back and forth on whether I should delete this one or not... But the more time I read it I find myself really loving it! ❤

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