Sweet Nothings

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The rain pelted down onto Daryl, as he trudged tiredly back to Alexandria. His body caked in mud and blood; some his, from a cut on his arm and some from walkers he killed along the way.

His crossbow hanging heavy over his shoulder as the darkness swirled around him as he approached the gates. Each step causing his feet to feel numb, his boots worn and wet.

After a week of being out, going further and further each time, he was beginning to miss one thing back in Alexandria.

Not the hot showers or pantry of food to choose from. And it wasn't the bed he slept in at night, or even the garage he could fix his bike up in alone. Daryl was missing you.

Getting to wake everyday to your hair spread out flat over the pillow, or the feel of your touch on his chest as you fell asleep in his embrace.

"Anything?" Maggie asks Daryl, letting him in.

Shaking his head, water drips from his grown hair. Some thing you've been requesting to cut, and something he'd been fighting.

"Nah," Gripping onto his crossbow tighter, Daryl pauses as Maggie closes the gate back up. "She holdin up?"

His question is concealed by an emotionless tone; but Maggie easily sees past it. Spotting the true concern and care Daryl feels towards you.

With a small smile, that he's unable to see in the dark night, Maggie nods. "She's doin fine. Misses you though."

Daryl is thankful for the darkness as his cheek flare a light pink, a burning in his skin.

Turning on his heel, Daryl heads back to the small white trimmed house at the end of the street. The home that had a porch lined with daisies planted in pale yellow flower pots. The house that has a baby tree planted in the front yard, tended to every afternoon. And a place that Daryl feels able to call home.

Walking gently up the oak wooden steps, Daryl wipes his muddy boots on the mat. Opening up the door, the house is quiet.

It's dark too; except for the small lantern kept lit in the kitchen. The smell of lemon fills the air, hinting that cleaning was just recently done. And the faint scent of Jasmine swirls around him as he sits gently on the love seat in the living room. Knowing he'll get the couch wet, but doing so anyway as he removes his boots.

The room is kept neat and minimal items are kept on shelves, a few books here or there. And a large clock ticking on the wall, causing Daryl to wonder if the time it tells him is truly correct.

Daryl isn't sure how long he sits there; with his elbows resting forward on his knees. Staring off into the room, until a sound pulls him back to reality.

A sound that causes his heart to pound harder and a sound that brings fear to his mind. The sound of your screams.

Jumping up from the couch, Daryl climbs up the stairs. Climbing two steps each time and not caring how loudly his feet sound on the hard wood.

Opening the slightly open door leading to the bedroom, Daryl's able to see you thrashing around in bed. The blue cotton sheets falling off you as you roll side to side. Tears streaming down your face, raw screams escaping you.

Without missing a beat, Daryl climbs onto the bed beside you. Grasping your shoulder firmly, yet gently. Shaking your body slightly, calling your name over and over again. Beginning in a whisper and growing to screams of his own.

Your eyes flash open and your breath is hard to grasp. Heart beating faster as you look around, figuring out where you are.

"Hey," Daryl whispers, still holding on lightly to you. "you're okay. You're here at home, you're okay."

"Daryl?" You whisper, as an overhwleming feel of relief floods you.

"I'm here baby," He tells you, moving his body to be beside you and under the blanket. Moving you sit on his lap. "jus had a bad dream, that's all."

"You're home?" Your voice croaks, as air fills your lungs easier now.

"Yeah I'm home." Kissing your forehead softly, his lips linger with a comforting warmth.

"When did you get back?"

"Little bit ago," Daryl hums, running his hand through your hair. "you havin nightmares 'gain?"

Your nightmares started the first night Daryl left to search for new people, and they didn't stop until he was back.

You shrug, not wanting to admit the truth.

"Take that as a yes." Daryl sighs and his arms tighten their hold around your waist.

"Keep thinking you're going to die out there."

Daryl breath stops for a moment, before he speaks up. "That's what you dream bout?"

Nodding, your turn your face and burry it deep into his chest. Breathing in the scent of the wind, the rain and sweat. The scent of him.

"Turning into one of those... Monsters." You mumble into his shirt, the fabric still damp from the rain.

Tightening his hold on you, Daryl wonders if you can hear the quickening of his beating heart. The tearing within it as he hears your fears for him.

Resting his left hand on top of your head, he gently runs it through your tangled locks. Soothing and calming you in a simple touch.

"Ain't leavin you like that." Daryl murmurs, his voice kept soft.

"Ain't leavin you to wonder where I am, or if you gotta be the one to put the knife through my head."

Somehow, Daryl can sense the words he says to you calm you down. So he continues.

"Gonna be here with you so much you get sick of me."

Feeling your lips curve into a smile, Daryl listens to your small laugh.

"And fight me on haircuts, and showers?"

Daryl grunts lightly, a smile of his own spreading small across his lips. "Damn right."

"Gonna be me and you," Daryl whispers as he feels your body relax into his. "always."

Daryl knows what he tells you are as good as lies; but right now... It's not only what you need to hear. But what he needs to hear himself say.

"You and me." You repeat in a whisper, as sleep fades over you.

"Me and you." Daryl confirms, kissing your hair tenderly.

Dreams... Promises... Sweet Nothings.

A/N: I like this one!❤

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