I Need You

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There was an array of different noises surrounding you.

One being the cries of the women who sit around you. The way tears cloud their eyes as their arms wrap tightly around their young children.

Another coming from the men at the only door leading to freedom, that at the moment is shut tightly. The sound of equipment hitting metal as they pound with all their might. The sound of their curse words and screams at Jenner to open the door once and for all.

And lastly, the sound of the intercom above. Calling out the time counting down. Telling you all how much time was left before you all were to be blown up. Self destruction.

There was an array of different noises surrounding you, but they all bled together into one and faded into the background as your mind took over.

You looked around at all the people who had become like family to you in such a short amount of time. You looked at them all as they fought to get out, fought to live, fought to avoid the death that was coming. But you couldn't help but wonder... Why?

Here, in this building, you could choose. This scientist that everyone looked at like a vilian, was to you nothing less than a good Samaritan. For he gave you all a little bit of power back in a world that had taken it all away. He gave you all the power to choose.

When you stepped out those doors you didn't have a choice but to fight. You didn't get to decide when it was your time or when it was time to fight. The dead coming back to life made every desicion for you. When they came after you, you ran. When they sunk their teeth into your flesh... That was the end. But here, Jenner had given you all the opportunity to die with dignity. Die on your own terms, not on the monsters waiting outside. You got to decide how you wanted to leave this world, and a painless death wasn't anything you needed to second guess.

Their shouts shook you from your thoughts, and looking up you saw that Jenner had opened the doors. Everyone rushed with their children and each other out the open doors, but you couldn't bring yourself to stand. You were planted to the floor, and you knew why.

You wanted to stay. You wanted the chance to choose how you got to leave this world. And so you sat there, beside Jenner and Jackie and Andrea... Ready.

His footsteps were heavy against the floor, and his breath was deep and slightly hoarse from constant shouting.

"Get up!"

Crouched where you sit, his boots are all you see in front of you, until you raise your head and he stands looming above you. His shadow casted over you like a tall tree providing shade in the summer heat. His weapon in hand, his tank top soaked with sweat and his blue eyes dark as they stare down intently at you.

"Get up, c'mon!" He repeats, bending down and reaching for your hand.

"I'm staying." You whisper with a shake of your head, and his grip on your wrist feels like an iron brand. Searing into your flesh.

Daryl Dixon stares at you with wide eyes, before squinting in disbelief at your words. His grip on your wrist tightens and you can feel in your chest the scrutiny of his gaze.

"Like hell ye are," He scoffs, standing to his feet and yanking your arm with him. But you pull away from his grasp.

"I'm staying here Daryl, it's my choice." You tell him, your voice unable to speak louder than a soft whisper. And a single tear rolls down your cheek, saying goodbye to the standoffish redneck you had actually grown to like.

"Ye can't stay--"

"Why can't I?" You ask cutting him off.

He's crouched down in front of you again, his blue eyes level with your own. And he's close to you now. Close enough to feel his deep breaths warm against your skin, and close enough that you can smell the faint scent of wind and grass on him and his clothing. Close enough to see every line and every shadow of tan on his skin. And close enough to see the layers of blue in his eyes that look to you now with so many questions.

"Why can't I stay here and decide how and when I want to go?" You ask, shaking your head at the man before you. Tears flooding in your eyes.

"I'm tired Daryl," You confess. "I'm exhausted. And I'm just done."

"I'm done running. I'm done fearing that tomorrow may be my last or that you or Glenn or anyone could end up like Amy next. I'm tired of the fear that runs through my veins like blood. I'm tired of all the pain and all the loss. I'm tired of having to fight Daryl, I don't even have any fight left in me!"

"Ye don't think I'm tired of runnin? Ye don't think we're all wanting to jus give up?"

"Look at yourself Daryl and then look at me. I'm not meant for this world, you are. You're strong and you're brave and I'm not!" You cry to Daryl, and you know time ticks down behind you.

"You need to go," You tell him, shaking your head as you wipe the tears from your cheeks. "You need to leave Daryl, and let me stay."

"I ain't leavin ye here." He says shaking his own head, and his hand reaches out to grab hold of your wrist again.

"Go." You tell him, urging him to run after the others.

"I'm no good to anyone out there Daryl, but you... They need you. Not me." Gazing into his eyes, you find yourself thinking that there couldn't be a more beautiful thing to be the last thing you see in this world.

Daryl's hand holds onto your wrist tightly, and his eyes don't stray away from your own. And the way he looks at you, its unlike any person has ever looked at you before.

"I need you."

His voice is the softest and lowest it's been this entire time, as if he has all the time in the world in this single moment when he really doesn't. His eyes are steady on you, bold blue but somehow gentle as they speak to you more than his lips move. As if the blue itself is begging you to go with him.

And as you stare at this man who has all along hidden his heart from your sight, you question if it isn't Jenner giving you the power of choice... But Daryl Dixon.

What he asks of you is so much more, but could the outcome be worth the hardship? Could you continue on in this world if you knew that someone out there did indeed need you? Could you make it through this world knowing that there was someone to give you stength when you ran out?

Through your tears, you gaze at Daryl and deep within his blue eyes... You find the answer to all your questions.

Grasping his calloused hand in yours, you run. And it's the first time since the beginning of all this chaos and decay, that you find yourself running towards something... And not away.

Daryl Dixon not only gave you a choice, but he gave you a will. He gave you the chance and the power and the courage to continue on in this world. He said he needed you, and it wasn't till that very moment that you realized just how badly you needed him too.

A/N: I really loved the idea for this one, I hope you guys liked it!💙

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