Spin the Bottle

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Rowaelin, Malide

"Is everyone here?" Aelin asked.

"I think so." Dorian replied. All of her friends were gathered at the castle of Orynth for a few drinks and, more importantly, spin the bottle. Well, all of her friends along with Manon and her second and third, invited by Elide.

"Well now that I got you all drunk, lets play spin the bottle."

Chaol, Dorian and Rowan groaned.

"Lets sit in a circle." Lysandra giggled, as if this were funny, and something that needed clarification.

How they sat:

Sorrel Asterin
Lysandra Elide
Aedion Chaol
Rowan Dorian

"I can't believe I'm playing such a ridiculous game" Manon muttered.

"I agree with the witch," Rowan agreed, "This game is pointless."

"It'll be fun!" Asterin said

"You're sure Evangeline is sleeping?" Aedion asked.

"Yes, we are sure and since Rowan was whining, he can go first." Aelin announced, shooting the male a dark smirk.

"Can't I just kiss you?" He complained.

The queen shrugged. "Maybe, you'll have to spin to find out."

"Fine" he grumbled leaning forwards to spin. We watched it go round and round until it stopped.

"Thank the gods" Aelin hears him breathe before he kissed her. He leaned back after a moment but Aelin kept holding on until Dorian poked her in the back, earning him a snarl before she spun.

Aelin looked across from her to where the bottle had stopped. "No way in hell."

At the same time Manon's lips curled. "I am not kissing a witch killer."

Rowan and Elide looked pissed as well. Rowan was understandable, but Elide?

Asterin shoved Manon forwards and she almost bit her head off. How dare she condone such things.

Claws out, Manon crawled over to Aelin, hissing at her before pecking her on the cheek.

"Does that even count?" Chaol asked.

"Yes, it does." Aelin confirmed, wiping her face with the back of her hand.

Manon moved back to her seat and spun the bottle with her claws making a loud clicking noise.

Lysandra squealed when it landed on her. She went and sat right in front of Manon, "You really are quite beautiful" she purred.

Before Manon knew what was happening, Lysandra had kissed her full on the lips.

Lysandra cocked her head, "What" she asked. Manon sat wide eyed, how had she become such a great kisser? The witch inhaled her scent, making the answer clear as it was lightly mixed with a great many, male and female.

"Nothing. Go back to your seat, peasant." A forced snarl, as she was confused with what she should have been feeling.

Lysandra raised a brow, "Yes, your highness" lightly trailing a finger down the inside of Manon's thigh as she went. Manon was temped to slaughter her right then and there.

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