It's Over, Isn't It?

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Sam watched from above, kept his eyes on her as if watching a never ending movie. He cried and cheered as if she could hear him and sometimes he thought that maybe she could. The thoughts of the credits rolling scared him more than he could possible live with.

The assassin wasn't above as in heaven but above as if he were a watching spirit. Technically he was in more of a screening room that allowed him to see what he wanted to in his world, but that only came with being able to bully the devil into it.

He screamed and cried and tried to do everything that he could when seeing Celeana in Endovier. It got to the point where he was restrained in his chair, and someone came to tell him he could do nothing about it.

He spent that whole year restrained in that chair, if let out he was sure he could find a way to break of this hellhole and save her. To rescue her.

When he found out about Aelin, he had a bit of an 'Oh, Shit' moment but not much more. He wanted to hug her in congratulations. To kiss her.

So often, too much did he wish to do the thing they planned for the night when he was killed. He hated that it was then. He hated those who took him away from Celeana. He cried about it sure, but when he found this room. He only watched in hopes of her giving him what he deserves.

He had too many feeling for this girl, to just sit back without emotion. They had a connection like he could still feel her love and hatred. The stronger emotions that stretched out across the land.

Sam was fine, watching men like Dorian and Chaol go in and out from her life. The didn't matter, as much as what Chaol did annoyed him... Sam could tell they would last only shortly as her lover. That's just the way she was and none of those boys could hack it. He knew he could, he did, if only he had been given a little more time with her.

He watched her interact with Rowan in Wendlyn and followed their adventure, he smirked when she left him there. He knew he couldn't make it. No one else really could safe for him.

Rowan returned to her and he was angry, there was something about the fae he didn't like and certainly couldn't stand. How could she do this? To herself? To her dead boyfriend?

Sam threw a dagger at the image when they kissed, but it disappeared not even piercing for his own amusement.

It was a while after (weeks? Months? He didn't have a concept of mortal time any longer) when the images glitched. Sure it was showing Aelin and Rowan together but... what was happening.

"Where is she!" He roared as he was forced to look at shots of Terrasen and Wendlyn, things he cared little for when he couldn't see Celeana.

Rowan had called them mates. Aelin had called them mates.

That was a lie.

He was Celeana's mate, he could feel it and he knew she could too so what was going on? What was making her do this? Was this why the screen was gone? What was he doing to her?

Rowan needed to stop but he could do nothing. Sam didn't know what to do so he watched, hoping he wasn't hurting his girl.

A shot flickered, a blink and you miss it, between a some random tree and a flower.

It was them. Together.

Sam roared in frustration. "You can't have her! Stop it! She's mine!" His screaming soon turned to sobs.

"It's over." He cried. "It's over. You chose him."

He hated that, he hated it. Despised it because he knew, knew if he were there Rowan wouldn't matter. It would only be Sam and Celaena. This fucker wouldn't even be relevant. He knew it. Celaena knew it. They all knew it yet he wasn't there! He wasn't and this is what she chose?

A quick shot of the tattooed man's face, as if to say 'she chose you and your gone, suck it up.'

A panel of Celaena's face as if to say 'I'm sorry, I love you.'

He wanted to do so much, to find some way to convince her. He couldn't make her wait until death, he couldn't doubt her choice either. This man must be good, he got something not even Sam got from her.

Sam knew so much about her, he was such a big part of her that in Hell they would be closer than two peas on a pod. They would rule this place together. They would live and love together and kings and queens.

He watched her killing, he was proud. She was so good and knew so much. she was swift and precise, he helped her with that. He helped teach her.

He watched her in the war, he tensed when she went to visit the pirate lord but ended up smiling and laughing. This, that was Celeana and even if she wasn't real, Aelin was, so much of her and who she is was that girl in the keep. You can't live as someone else for so long without it becoming a part of you. He knew that and was confident in that.

He met and greeted those she loved that had died and come here. He didn't greet Arobynn in fear of killing him a second time. He only did these things while she slept. While she was with Rowan. When he couldn't bear to watch. These times were rare.

He hated it.

He hated how sure he was it was over.


Authors Note:

So this chapter is inspired by the song 'It's Over, Isn't It' From Steven Universe.

On the topic of Steven Universe, would any of you read a collection of SU one-shots or even a SU booky whatever if I wrote it? Let me know down in the Comments!

Go read my book 'Gone Guy', a Throne of Glass short story.

Much Love,


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