Girls night in

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The wind blew harshly against Rowan's now blue face. He was being forced to walk, on foot, halfway across the continent. Aelin didn't want him using any magic during the trip. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so damn cold out. He had to walk all the way to the witch kingdom from Ornyth.

While Rowan did this, Aelin sat in her room inside her big, warm, cozy palace with Lysandra and Evangeline, giggling. They were completely surrounded by chocolate and wine. Evangeline only ate the chocolate but the two older girls drank themselves silly.

At first Lysandra was reluctant to allow Evangeline to join them but it didn't take Aelin long to convince her. The younger girl was enjoying herself eating chocolate on the bed with the other two girls. It made her feel less like an orphan, that she really had a family. The same went for Lysandra and Aelin as well. 

Having Evangeline there made Aelin put more of a happy meaning towards the name aunt, and the palace itself, given what had happened there.

Lysandra just didn't want Evangeline to have the kind of childhood that she and Aelin had had.

"Do the thing!" Aelin squealed.

Lysandra sighed and morphed herself into a ghost leopard, the girls petted her. "That's so cool," Evangeline said slowly. "Aunt kitty cat."

Aelin literally fell off the bed laughing. Lysandra morphed back into human form to do the same.

"Oh dear gods." Aelin wiped a tear from her eye several minutes later. "She must've heard me talking to Uncle kitty cat." They all began a new round of laughter that lasted several minutes.

"I have to pee." Lysandra laughed as she waddled towards Aelin's giant bathing rooms.

As soon as Lysandra was out of sight Evangeline poured herself a glass of wine.

"You're twelve." Aelin stated plainly.

"So?" Evangeline challanged taking a large sip.

"Nothing." Aelin shrugged, stuffing a handful of chocolates in her mouth.

Evangeline drank several glasses before Lysandra returned. She quickly ate a handful of chocolates.

"So," Aelin asked as blasé as possible. "Does my niece have any crushes yet?"

"What, no!" Evangeline blushed.

"You do!" Squeaked Lysandra.

"Well some of your friends are quite attractive but..." Evangeline trailed off too embarrassed to continue.

Lysandra consumed a few more chocolates before continuing the interrogation. "But whose your crush." At the same time that Aelin said. "Which ones?"

Evangeline took some chocolate in attempt to stall them but they just stared expectantly. She shrugged but that didn't discourage them. "I'm going to bed." Evangeline went to stand but Aelin leaped across the bed and pinned her down. 

"Aedion? Chaol? Dorian?"

Evangeline muttered so quietly that Aelin wasn't sure she heard. "The witches."


"What?" Lysandra asked, surprised. She did not peg her as a homosexual.

Evangeline looked down in shame. "The witches."

"Are you sure?" Lysandra asked.

Evangeline thought quickly looking up at Aelin. "Your husband is... Uhhhh... Handsome."

Aelin snorted, moving off of her.

"Goodnight." Evangeline went up to her rooms.

"Don't think we aren't talking about this!" Lysandra called after her.

"When wes drunk less." Aelin added.

"I think I'm better suited to talk to you than you are." Lysandra said. "At least I'm half gay."

"I'm Aunt Aelin, makes her likely more talkin to me." Aelin gestured to Lysandra. "Than her mother."

Lysandra rolled her eyes. "See what happens when we invite twelve year olds to girls night."

"Uh-huh." Considering how intimately they were to cuddle that night they were actually glad she bailed. Aelin suddenly jumped up and drunkenly ran  to the bathroom, realizing those last few chocolates were a mistake.

Lysandra started giggling but was soon vomiting right beside her.

When they were finished they collapsed  into a fit of laughter.

They went to their room again and cleared off the huge bed. They then climbed in together, spooning much more intimately than friends normally did.

Soon falling asleep together.

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