Ex- (boy) Girl Friend

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The castle was roaring with laughter and music, the entire palace was lively practically moving with the party. It was one of Aelin's better parties she's held, all of Ornyth seemed to be either seated idly or dancing like manics in ballroom giving the place a happiness that hasn't been felt in so long in the cold dark room.

Annoyed with her friends; Nox, Rowan, Aedion, and a few others, she angrily thudded onto a step near the entrance way.

"What going on?" Lysandra asked from beside her, simply just by the way she held herself and swayed slightly she could tell the black haired beauty was drunk. She even held two red solo cups (one in each hand) filled with what appeared to be fruit punch but anyone within five meters of her could tell it had been spiked.

The queen only lifted her knees and placed her head in her hands. "I ended up in an argument with Rowan, breaking us up and I told Nox I have a boyfriend and my other friend thinks its my ex and I need to find a date or someone to bring over there if only to prove a point to all of them."

Lysandra only sipped her drink, making Aelin moan in frustration. "I just need an ex-boyfriend to bring over there."

Lysandra grinned in a feline sort of way that when Aelin looked up at her, she knew well enough to be just a little bit scared.

"What if your ex- boyfriend is really your ex-girlfriend?" She asked, words slurring together only slightly.

Aelin thought this over for half a minute though her thoughts were jumbled from the opium and she couldn't hear herself over the music. This lack though effort of thought made her grasp Lysandra's hand tightly, jumping up and pulling her over to where she knew the boys to be gathered.

Without fail, only moments later the pair of lovers stood before Aedion, with a girl that wore an ugly orange dress that made her look like a present, Nox, Rowan and a few other boys that Aelin knew, friends of recent, rediscovered in Ornyth.

Lysandra leaned close to her, lips grazing her right ear. "She looks like a fucking present."

Aelin smirked, having just had that thought herself, the big bow on the girls dress really was over the top in a tacky sort of way.

"Hi boys." Aelin made sure her arm was around the black haired beauties waist, her, in turn, putting a comforting arm around her shoulder. "So, I know I told you that I had an ex- boyfriend but I just wasn't sure how you would feel about me going both ways but she was ecstatic to come meet you." With that last statement she looked directly at Present before Lysandra smoothly turned her head to kiss her.

For a little less than a minute, their tongues intertwined and Aelin was trying to pull her closer, despite already being skin to skin. For a brief moment she cursed their dresses but it was brief for before they knew it, they were both grinning like madmen at the boys who's jaws had all just dropped and at Present who looked more disgusted then anything.

From the corner of her eye she caught the expression of a girl, whom she knew to prefer ladies, as she was leaving. Her face was twisted in a mixture of shock and disgust. Aelin pretended not to notice.

Lysandra raised her arm, twirling the queen. "The dance floor awaits, darling."

It wasn't unusual for her to call the shorter girl darling but tonight, when she did, butterflies fluttered in her stomach as though trapped and can't get out. That was exactly what was happening in her stomach and she was glad it was empty safe for the insects.

She was probably just still on a high from the kiss anyways.

They danced like the world wasn't watching, everyone else melted away even as they twirled and bumped into the oblivious passerby's. They smiled like no one was watching and overall didn't act much different then they would normally as best friend. Only now it's... more.

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