Yes, I can

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"Everything here can kill you," Lysandra gestured around the room with her clawed hand. "but I can do it most efficiently."

Manon guffawed. "Ha!"

Lysandra stood tall, despite being several inches shorter than the monster, eyes bearing into hers. "I can kill anyone better than you."

"No you can't." The witch rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I can." She challenged, refusing to break eye contact.

"No you can't."

"Yes, I can." Lysandra pulled herself closer to the taller girl, putting her face as close to hers as she could get it.

"No you can't." The Crochan barked, getting in Lys' face as well.

"Yes I can, Yes I can." The shorter girl sang.

"Stop." Asterin pushed the pair of them apart.

Asterin turned towards Lysandra. "Anything you can kill, I can kill faster. Sooner or later I'm faster than you."

Now it was Lysandra's turn to roll her eyes. "No you're not."

Asterin flicked her hand in a blasé movement."Yes I am"

"No your not, no you're not!" Lysandra shouted.

The witch didn't even move to face the girl trying to push her way in her face. "Yes I am"

"No your not" Lysandra crossed her arms, pushing against the bigger girl.

"Yes I am, Yes I am." Asterin sang, with surprisingly good pitch.

Manon, still standing idle, didn't budge when Sorrel shoved herself between the three of them. "I let you people see one movie, and this is what happens."

Previously that day they had gone out and watched a movie on the side of the white mansion of a house. Since they returned to the interior of the house, Lysandra has broken out in song three times, Asterin twice, this being the first for Manon.

"But we never get to watch movies." Film was the newest technology and Manon happened to be strictly against it, she spent half the movie complaining about how evil the film industry is.

Sorrel only shrugged. They were now standing in the living room, about to make their way upstairs to where Lysandra's bedroom floor was covered in the sleeping bags of those who couldn't squeeze on the bed with the shapeshifter. The moon was to be full in a few days so it was large against the cold night sky, stars speckled across the back.

Lysandra blinked a few times, as if taking herself out of the roll she had ben singing only moments ago. "Now what?"

Sorrel didn't really know as it wasn't her house but clearly the demon twins did because she could hear them opening and closing the cupboard doors, searching for the liquor cabinet.

Hearing their rumaging, Lysandra lifted herself onto her tiptoes to see what they were doing. She cocked her head at their halfass efforts before speaking. "Above the fridge."

Barely moments later the pair of witches had cracked through the locks designed to keep the now teenaged Evangeline out and were pulling out what was there, passing it to the other witches.

Soon each set of hands held atleast one bottle, some of the more ambitious girl having one wrapped in each set of fingers.

"Are yous finished raiding my kitchen." Lysandra asked, crossing her arms despite the bottle in her own hand.

Asterin nodded. "I think so but don't quote me on that." She lead the way up the discerningly narrow staircase, only allowing them to go up one by one as two by two would be all too cramped with their staggered walking. This walking is what required some of them to be holding both sides of the railing while going up.

They stumbled into Lysandras bedroom, racing to climb on the bed first leading to a doggy pile of deadly creautres on a bed meant for two.

"You're gonna break it!" Lysandra yelped from near the bottom of the pile when she heard the wood creak. "Get off, get off, get off!"

The witches made their way off the perfectly unornate bed, either standing or flopping on the floor.

"What do you care what happens to that shit bed anyways?" Manon muttered, snarling at Asterin who didn't move off the bed and now laid dangerously close to Lysandra.

"I happen to like my shit bed." She stated flatly.

Just then from a few bedrooms down Evangeline shouted. "Language!" Causing several witches to chuckle and roll their eyes.

"Shitty fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck shit shit shit eat my fucking pussy." Lysandra shouted in the general direction of the girl. Aedion was visiting Aelin for the night so they had the house all to themselves.

Asterins narrowed her eyes in a seductive sort of way. "Okay." She was moving forward to kiss Lysandra but she knew Evageline was going to appear any moment so waited. Asterin let her lips hover a hairs breadth away from Lysandra's own while she waited for Evangeline to emerge in the door frame.

When she did she was in a small nightgown that would have made Asterin lick her lips but doing so would be to have her tongue touch the lips of Lysandra and now was not the time to have her tongue on someone.

Evangeline threw a pillow at them. "Suck my dick." Before disapearing back down the hall in her own room. The pillow was a simple white one with a fancy, yet cheap, green pattern on it. It flew smoothly in the air, hitting both of their heads, knocking Asterin in a way that would prove reasonable to have forced her to kiss the shapeshifer but really could have avoided it if she wanted to.

Asterin didn't stop kissing Lysandra and Lysandra didn't stop kissing her, soon enough leading to the witch to be on top of the poor overexperienced girl. She had never been with a witch before and now seemed like a great idea to find out.

Sorrell initially moved to say or do something to stop them but Manon held her back. "They've been at it for weeks, I'm suprised they waited this long to do something about it. Just shut the lights and drink your damn vodka.

So Ghisaline shut the light and Briar the door leaving the witches to find a comfy spot to sleep and drink their booze.

Despite all the years of practice and the fact that a girl slept just a few doors down, neither of them knew how to be quiet.

But it was Lysandra's squeals of pleasure that could be heard throughout he entirity of the property and prevented from anyone in that building from getting any sleep.



Ok I don't even know how I started or ended up shipping Lysandra and Asterin. I think it might have been when writing a previous one shot maybe or just at one point in the story but I acutally really ship it now.

Okay so some of you may have seen that I have another book up called 'Gone Guy' but it is Throne or Glass and you should check it out. Link is in the comments.

Aaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd don't forget to vote and comment on this story. What you think I should write about next would be great as I still haven't read ToD and am running out of ideas.


Much love,


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