A Stumble in the Sky

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"Elide?" I called

"Yea Manon?" She replied

"I wanna take you somewhere" We were living in a house on the coast just south of Suria. Elide had insisted we live in Terrasen, the country of her queen. Though I had made sure we lived far from the witch-killer.

"Really?" Elide's head popped around the corner from the kitchen.

"Yeah, after dinner" I told her, excited for the eager agreement.

She grinned "alright sweetheart" and went back to cooking.


That supper we had a big delicious meal.

"Thanks, honey" I smirk as she picked up my dirty plate.

"Your welcome" she kissed my forehead, lips soft against my own soft skin.

I stood "You cooked me a wonderful meal today. The least I can do is the dishes." I yanked the dishes from her, dumping them in the sink before scrubbing them gently with retracted claws.

"Manon I can do it" she reasoned, reaching for the sink but I bumped her away with my hip. A practiced movement as the banter over household chores has been one they had everyday since moving in together.

"We have to split the work equally" I chided, the words twisting easily off my tongue as I stacked the dished to be dried.

She pushed on but I cut her off quickly, her retaliating move boing to give me an ordinarily rib crushing hug from behind. Ordinarily because, being a witch, the hug was little more than mildly inconvenient.

"Elide stop" But my tone was light and infectious.

"Thanks" she whispered, lips grazing my ear. I tilted my head back and kissed her. Gods I loved her. Not like I loved Astrin or Abraxos. No, Elide was different. She was special.

I dried my hands on a tea towel, a quick gesture before spinning on the girl. "let's go, darling"

"Where are we going?" She asked, not expecting an answer, and I didn't give her one.

"I'll show you"And swung her over my shoulder. She laughed as I carried her outside, throwing her onto Abraxos. I climbed on behind her and we flew towards the beach I itched to get her swimming in. Devoid of layers and clothing, just them. Just happy.

But I sensed something off, different. A sudden change in air currents. I screamed at Abraxos but he didn't realize until too late, he was out of practice. He stumbled and Elide fell. Down, down, down to the giant ocean below.

"Elide!" But I couldn't tell if any sound truly came out because I was already jumping after her. Abraxos, panicked confused, dove after us but still not fast enough to catch the to far fallen blueblood. Elide hit the water moments before I hit the water with a dive, tearing my body through the water until I found an already sunken Elide.

I pulled her to the surface behind me, laying her carefully on the beach her onto the beach. I gave her mouth to mouth until she came to.

"I thought I lost you" I pushed the hair from her face "I thought you were gone" I kissed her all over "Elide" I held her out at arms length "don't you dare ever do that to me again. You nearly scared me to death!" Boy was Abraxos going to get earful... but not now, because he was coming over to lick the nearly dead girls face and I was cursing him away. Using words that made the pair of them flinch.

"I'm sorry" she kissed me. She kissed me all over cause dammit.

"You're my fragil little blue blood. If you died.. If you died" I cried "I would have nothing" the tears flowed freely down my face, there was no reason to stop them "everything I loved and cared about would be gone and I would have nothing." Abraxos let out a huff "Because. Because you are my everything Elide. If I lost you I would have nothing" her eyes burned into mine, probably red from crying.

She embraced me and lied down on the beach. "I'm not going anywhere, Manon. I'll be right here forever and for always, never missing a beat because Manon, my sweet, sweet Manon. You've saved my life countless times, but more than that you have given me life and reason to live. Thank you for everything"

She embraced me and for the briefest of moments I thought she may die but she just held me close until She fell asleep and soon after I did as well with Abraxos snoring at our heads.

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