Joining: Asterin & Evangeline

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Lysandra flung open the front door of the small house her and Evangeline lived in. The knocking had been loud and persistent for the past five minutes and as much as she would love to ignore it, they were disrupting the wildlife. 

"Can't you be quieter?"

Asterin smirked. "I wasn't born to be soft and quiet. I was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips."

Lysandra rolled her eyes. "So I'm guessing you want to stay the night? Did you remind your pets not to eat mine?"

Sorrel peaked around the corner of the house and shouted. "Hey, drop that ghost leopard! You heard me, spit him out."

Many of the other witches laughed at this. "I'm kiddin', Lys, they won't go near those beasts."

"They better not." She crossed her arms, leaning back against the door frame. "So is there a reason you're here, or did you just miss my beautiful face?"

Asterin took her hand, spinning her around. "Is it wrong if we choose the latter?"

The witch pulled her into her arms. "I'm a married lady."

She kissed the shapeshifter on the cheek. "Everyone know that girls don't count, didn't you learn this?"

Lysandra couldn't help but giggle. "Aedion had to go to Ornyth for the night to deal with something."

"Would that be the something I heard about where somebody robbed the chocolate store and left a bag of gold on the counter." Ghislaine raised a brow. 

She laughed audibly. "That would be it, I only wish I were there to help eat it all. I don't think the boys would be big fans of munching on stolen goods."

Manon raised her hand, as though she had a question, she did, but she raised the palm to get their attention. Not for any resemblance to a human child. "Can we come in now, or are we damned to sleep on your front porch?"

Unfurling herself from Asterin's arms, she broke away and pushed the door wide open, leading the way into the small sitting room. 

"Have I told you how pathetically tiny this place is?" Vesta asked.

Asterin cut her a sharp look but Lysandra responded all the same. "Have I told you only three people live here?"

"Have I told you that we come here often enough for you to expand?" Vesta returned with speedy snap. 

Lysandra placed her hands on her hips, blowing a bit of hair from her face. "Have I told you that you only come once every two to three months?"

Asterin pipped up before anyone could steal it from her. "I call E's bed!" 

"E, will be sleeping in her bed."

Asterin stopped in her tracks as she had burst past Lysandra, into the house towards where she knew Evangeline's bedroom was. "What?"

Thea cocked her head. "Well, usually people sleep in their own beds. But that's just something I've picked up over the past hundred or so years."

Manon rolled her gold eyes. "She's like 15 now anyways. She'll live."

The witches pushed their way into the house, Lysandra coming off the frame and closing the door behind them. "Did you at least bring your own alcohol this time?"

Kaya snorted. "When we know you have a whole cellar full? No way."

Asterin pulled open the door that belonged to Evangeline slowly, peaking inside. "Hey."

Evangeline lay on her stomach, flipping through a magazine on her bed. "Hey."

"You wanna join us?" Asterin asked the girl who instantly looked up.

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