Isn't it platonic?

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Rowan watched as Lysandra and Aelin staggered into the room. Aelin, who was clearly annoyed started yelling at him.

"You can't call the fucking queen down here for no reason! I should send for your head to be chopped off! I was in the middle of mine and Lysandra's girls night! The one night you're in charge of the fucking castle, so what the fucking problem."

Rowan looked down muttering. "Maybe I should have talked to them about this when they were sober."

"Well?" Lysandra asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"You see, you and Aelin."

Aelin cut in. "Yes I can see us too. Nice to know we aren't some figment of your imagination, isn't it."

"I mean you guys are really close."

Lysandra rolled her eyes. "That's kind of the point of being best friends."

"Dumbass." Aelin muttered under her breathe.

Rowan reached up to rub the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable, as he tried once again to speak. "It has come to my attention that you guys have been, uhhh, doing some things together."

Lysandra shook her head. "If this is your way of asking for a threesome, you might want to revise your plan."

Aelin burst out laughing, but didn't make a comment. Probably because by the look of her face she couldn't breathe.

Rowan, if anything looked taken back. "No, thats not what I was gonna say."

Aelin collapsed onto a nearby chair, still struggling to breathe between her laughter.

"Then hurry up and say it, we have stuff to do."

This only made Rowan more hesitant to continue. "Well it's just that me and Aelin are married and we're mates and in love. Then I find out you two are doing this every other night."

"It's not my fault you can't satisfy your wife." Lys retorted.

"And you are with Aedion, my buddy Aedion."

"Did you just call Aedion your buddy?" Aelin squealed, entering a whole new round of laughter.

"And your upset that Aedion doesn't satisfy me either, why?"

"Does your buddy ol' pal Aedion try to get you to satisfy him? Do you do it? Oh my gods, this is gold." Aelin fell off the chair pounding the floor with her fist, unable to control herself.

"That's besides the point." Muttered Rowan quietly before he added, louder. "The point is, why?"

"Satisfaction?" Lysandra stated as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't I satisfy you?" Rowan asked Aelin but she was so busy busting a gut that she didn't hear.

"Aelin." Rowan growled, to no avail.

"Aelin, darling." Lysandra said softly but just as loud as Rowan had spoken.

"What." Aelin looked up at them.

Rage crossed Rowans face, furious for being ignored. "Can't I satisfy you, Aelin?"

"Of course you do. Lysandra is just a totally different experience."

"You mean a totally better experience."

"Like with Rowan it's making love, putting pieces together to make something great. Everything that we do in that bedroom is spectacular and exciting and I love it."

"Can we not talk about your sex life?" Lysandra looked to Rowan face full of disgust.

"We're talking about yours, what difference does it make?" He practically shouts.

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