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Lysandra looked into the pond before her, the one she had placed for when Aelin came to visit they often bathed in. When she was not visiting however, which was often, she used it so she wouldn't have to go inside for anything when in animal form.

Today, her emerald eyes bore into the identical, rippling pair in the water. The eyes weren't always emerald but usually. She liked the colour even though knowing she once was unremarkable, they were likely brown.

Shit brown with her luck.

Dulling the green was the closest she was willing to come to such an unhappy colour as brown.

She tried summer freckles then she tried year round freckles. She tried freckles all over, freckles across her nose and freckles across her cheeks.

Wide noses, pointy noses, hooked noses and small noses. She tried Aelin's nose and she tried Asterin's nose. Even taking Evangeline's nose out for a spin once or twice.

Lysandra pulled her sleeve down, using it to wipe away facial features before being replaced by half thought out new ones.

A leaf landed in the water, rippling the mirror.

"When will my reflection show, who I am inside."

A hand flittered lightly onto her shoulder, and a figure the ripples had hidden a moment before revealed a copper haired girl.

Lysandra's eyes met the reflection of the girl's own.

Evangeline gaze was unwavering against the girls own. "Your reflection can show every corner of your personality, a birthskin is just the default weaponry a woman is given. You were gifted with an entire gallery." Her hand traced the ugly scars on her cheeks.

Without unsteading her gaze, Lysandra gestured for the child to sit down beside her. "But my reflection will never show what I was defaulted with, who I was meant to be. The dullness of my first sword."

"This is who you were meant to be," Evangeline tangled her hands in the ever changing colours of Lysandra's hair. "You were meant to be this, whoever you choose. You were meant to be a shapeshifter. To choose whichever dagger serves you best."

A tear trickled from Lysandra's eye. "How am I then being me and not playing the part that the skin forces me to play."

"Well, what part would you play if you were given you dull, plain skin back."

The harlot was silent so Evangeline continued. "Would you no longer be flirty or kind or fragile? Would you lose your kinks and preferences? Would you no longer be quick witted and fast paced? Would you lose your love for chocolate, wine and cursing. Would you forget you past, neglect your future. Would you lose me?"

Lysandra's voice croaked. "No."

"Most people would kill to build themselves, change their hair colour or gain freckles. To slowly steal attributes from those whom you most admire. Don't think I didn't notice you parading around with my nose on the other day. But your fae ears and cat eyes as well. You're Iron claws and leopard fangs. A shapeshifter is not born, she is built."

Lysandra ran her own thumb over Evangeline's scars, the ones she caused. Thought for the greater good. "Is that true?" She asked.

Evangeline shrugged, a lazy grin coming over her face. "I don't know, I'm fourteen. I've got the life experience of a rabbit."

A ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of Lysandra's lips but didn't quite make it. "That's not true, all rabbits do are eat, sleep, and mate for however many years."

"Would my life have been much different?" She asked, tearing away any hopes for a grin.

Lysandra wanted to tell her no, but they but knew that would be a lie. Even if she did throw out some technicalities.

The young girl saw her hesitate. "It's okay, this skin does not become me. It is only a first impression. It only shows weakness if I falter."

The shapeshifter blinked. "When did you get so smart?"

"Around when I started hanging around Aelin and the witches. I learned several new curse words you failed to teach me."

"Evangeline." Lysandra growled warningly, but warmly.

Both of the girl's let their gaze fall back to the reflections in the water. "I am not a secret." Lysandra told herself.

"You're not pretending, now put your face back, its unsettling." Evangeline kicked the water in the pond, while the older girl changed her features back to the ones the girl was used to, full of second-hand traits. The water hit Lysandra at the same time and she laughed, fangs glistening in the sunlight.

"Prick!" She shrieked, splashing water back at her.

Evangeline chided her. "Language." But still splashed a tidal wave up at her.

The splashed quickly turned to shoving and they were in the pond, fulling submerged, overflowing with glee. Lysandra ducked her head under the surface, washing away whatever it was that made her doubt herself.

Exploding from the water with a shout, shaking off what she had thought to have been a mask that she had never worn.



This Chapter was based on the song 'Reflection' by... Mulan? Christina Aguilera?

It was the Aguilera version I listened to while writing anyways but I was watching Mulan when I got the idea so... I dunno.

I hope you enjoyed.

Much Love,


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