Mother's day

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The castle was eerily quiet, even at dawn there was typically more noise than this.

A small frame pulled herself close to Lysandra and whispered softly. "Happy Mothers day."

Lysandra lay still, frozen by the words that had just left the small girls lips. She had never, in her entire life had any reason to celebrate this day, or take any notice to its existence. A few girls had given Madam Clarisse an expensive gift and maybe a card today, the girls that had been at the brothel since they were younger than Lysandra. But she had never taken any part in that, her own mother was dead to her, and she had never bothered to try and replace her. Loving anyone was dangerous, you were creating a vulnerability, someone that could be used against her. Madam Clarrise hadn't raised a fool, that's a lie. No one had raised her but herself. She was alone. She had forgotten of this day, forgotten until now.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

Lysandra reached an arm around Evangeline, pulling her close.

What Lysandra thought was a caring gesture clearly meant more when a tear that wasn't her own splashed against her arm.

She rolled from her back to face the poor girl. She wiped away another tear with her thumb.

"I don't have a real mom."

Lysandra was a little shocked by this confession but tried to hide it as best as she could. "You have me."


"Honey, listen to me." Lysandra began, looking into Evangeline's onyx eyes. "My mommy abandoned me for the brothel, just as yours did. Anyone who could possibly do that to anyone is not a worthy person to have in your life, especially not enough to be able to be called your mother."

Evangline said nothing, the only sign that she had even heard Lysandra was that she buried her head in Lysandra's small chest, tugging on her shirt with her little hands.

Thats when the screaming began.

Living with her aunt as long as she has, Evangeline didn't react in the least.

"Out!" Aelin screamed. "I want out of this room now!"


She began shrieking, indecipherably. Thats when Lysandra's bedroom door flew open revealing a very frazzled looking guard.

"Do you have any ideas of what to do with the queen, milady?" He asked adding the milady a little too late.

"Does she want out of the castle or out of the room?" Lysandra supposed it could be both, her parents were in every room of the castle. To her, this place was infected with them.

The guard nodded. "Thank you ma'am." He turned, disappearing behind the now closed door to find out what the queen wanted.

"OUT!" She screamed again.

"Out where?" Lysandra heard one of the gaurds ask, he was quieter, not screaming, so she had to strain to hear them. She only grinned as she gave herself fae ears to hear with.


"We need to know where you want us to take you." A guard asked politely. Where in Hellas was Rowan and Aedion? They should be able to hear her. Lysandra had no choice but to stay, if she wanted to comfort the young girl that still clung to her chest.

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