Never have I ever... Again

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Lysandra held a bottle loosely from her fingertips, letting it swing in her hands. "Lets celebrate."

Aelin raised a brow, intrigued by the drinking. "Celebrate what?"

Shaking her head, Lysandra gestured up the stairs. "Evangeline learning how to properly gutting a man with a common dagger."

Sighing, the assassin shook her head. "When I was her age-"

Lysandra cut her off with the flick of a wrist. "Nobody cares that you were a child prodigy, Celaena."

She only rolled her eyes and called for the boys to come in from the kitchens. "And what of our other regular guests?"

"Oh," Lysandra grinned, a feral thing. "I already invited Manon and two others of her choice. "

Muttering, Aelin showed her distaste in guest. "So Asterin and Elide."

The courtesan looked up at her, eyes sparkling, glad to have news her queen did not. "Actually, those two went up to visit Dorian again. It's as if they just can't get their territories to get along for the life of them."

Aelin raised a brow once more. "And with how much Manon was infatuated with their king, you think Elide can do much to change that?"

"Ummm" Lysandra stuttered, trying to formulate a legitimate reason but was quickly saved by the banging on the palace doors. Aelin began to shout for them to come in before the doors thundered open and the servant was knocked on his ass. A slight squeal of glee erupted from Lys and the same time the boys entered, a disappointed moan coming audibly from their direction. 

"Don't fret, I'm sure you and I will get to engage in fun. Though I have yet to be told what the topic of today's game shall be, or why we're even here." After attending a few of their household celebrations, Manon was quickly hooked and could most often be counted on to show up. Of course there was always things going on with the Coven and wasn't at their disposal for fun all the time, but when she did arrive it was a plenty fun experience. 

"Evangeline learned how to properly gut a man with a dagger today." Lysandra said proudly but Manon only scoffed. 

"With a dagger? That is nothing. I can do it with my bare hands." She glanced to her flanks, where a girl stood on either side. "I believe you've met Kaya and Thea."

Both witches nodded, recited their names, the one on the left being Kaya and on the right stood Thea. 

It was a short, introductory moment, until Manon jutted in once more. "Well then why isn't the girl here with us?"

Lysandra glared, "You know very well why not. Now if you'd all come sit around the drinks table, I'd inform you that we'll be playing 'Never Have I Ever'." 

Aelin snorted. "You're just setting me up for failure, aren't you?"

"You can't be any worse than these fools." She jutted her thumb out towards the witches. Aelin rolled her eyes but Lysandra continued. "everyone has ten shots in front of them. If you've done the thing, you have to drink. First one out of drinks loses."

Manon, being the asshole that she is, began without hesitation. "Never have I ever worked as a paid assassin."

"You get paid in fear and food." Aelin returned, after having paused her reaching to the table. 

The witch looked to Lysandra as if in confirmation that that counted. 

"She's right, you didn't say what she was to be paid in."

Taking this as his turn to cut in, Rowan said smugly. "Never have I ever slept with a male."

Aedion glanced at him, suddenly leaning far closer than he had been earlier. "I can fix that for you."

Rowan promptly shoved him off the couch as Manon, Aelin and Lysandra drank. After pulling himself up off the floor, he took his shot as well, everyone but Manon looking at the other two witches. 

Bewildered as to the glances, Manon looked around, realizing quickly what the issue was. "Fuck off." Was all she said, as the two witches let their hands intertwine. 

Nobody saying otherwise, except for Rowan's caught gaze, Aelin went next. "Never have I ever had an erection."

Face bright red, Lysandra took a shot alongside the boys. When the attention quickly adverted to her, she snuck at glance at Aedion and shrugged making Rowan inch even further away from him. 

Lysandra's turn. "Never have I ever, skinned a man alive."

Drinks were poured down every throat except Aedion's. "Am I the only one who has retained their sanity!" He had yelped, going on about modern aged killers and how they all went to far in their ideals. 

The game carried on, until the only ones left in the game were the witches and Aedion, a fact that Manon didn't find quite fair. "If we are here to celebrate the accomplishments of the girl, we should celebrate with the girl."

Clearly intoxicated, Lysandra pondered the proposal before nodding. "Okay, but she doesn't drink." 

Taking the opportunity while she could, Manon disappeared up the stairs, while Kaya and Thea grinned as they had figured out what made Aedion tick. "Never have I ever had a crush on my commander?" Kaya asked, more a question than a statement. Content with third place, the last shot slithered down Aedions throat. 

The girls turned to each other. "Never have I ever kissed another member of the thirteen." because Thea had far more to drink than Kaya, and her grin was turning cruel. "Never have I ever had a one night stand with a witch." she continued until there was nothing left in front of her partner. 

"What's your deal, man?" Rowan asked, usually cautious to jut himself into others' situations. 

"Fuck off." but Kaya wasn't having it, and shoved the cussing girl as Manon came downstairs with the skinning prodigy. Everyone cheered, distracting from the beginning brawl. 

Clearly forgetting her previous statement, Lysandra poured Evangeline a shot. Greedily, she took it, turning her attention to the fighting girls. "What's your problem?"

"Kaya's a whore." Thea sneered. 

"So are you."

"Only for you, sweetheart." She blew a fake, sarcastic, kiss. 

Kaya lunged, but Manon grabbed the collar of her shirt. "Go be whores in your own room."

"We don't have a room." Thea swore in such a way Aelin would have thought she would spit weren't she speaking to her direct superior. 

"Well go fucking find one." She hurled Kaya, and shoved Thea after her, and they bickered all the way upstairs. "fuck." 

The night progressed nicely from there, Lysandra impressively disappearing with Manon. Whether it were for those reasons or not, it was still an impressive motion, considering it left Aedion alone. And possibly Elide in the dark.

Still, before then Evangeline was allowed several drinks so she could play games and be entertained by Aedion throughout the night as the remaining supervision disappeared, which was the only reason she was allowed so many drinks to begin with. 


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