All But Forgotten: Evangeline & OC

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The first half is two conversations. One is between Evangeline and a boy she met in a village and the second is between Lysandra and Evangeline. The second half is what happens five years later.


Him- "Evangeline."

Her- "Yeah?"

Him- "Thank you."

Her- "I did nothing."

Him- "You've done more than you know."


Lys- "Who was that you were talking to?"

Her- "I don't know."

Lys- "What was his name?"

Her- "I didn't ask."

"Did he ask yours?"

Lys- "Yes, but he was kind."

Her- "What did you say to him?"


Her- "The scars are beautiful."

Him- "They show that I was enslaved."

Her- "Don't hide them."

Him- "They show weakness."

Her- "They show courage."

Him- "How?"

Her- "Are my scars ugly?"

Him- "No. They make you look like a tiger."

Her- "Yours make you look like a warrior."

Him- "Do they really?"

Her- "Yeah."

Him- You don't hide your scars."

Her- "No.'

Him- "Are you scared of what people think?"

Her- "No because my scars show my bravery and will to live."

Him- "Really?"

Her- "Yeah."


Lys- "You shouldn't talk to strange boys."

Her- "But he was kind."

Lys- "He could have been an assassin."

Her- "I would tell him that Adarlans assasin in my best friend and if he hurt me then she would kill him and his family."

Lys- "He wouldn't believe you."

Her- "He was kind."

Lys- "Evangeline."

Her- "No."

Lys- "Why did you talk to him?"


Her- "Hello."

Him- "Hi."

Her- "How are you?"

Him- "Whats your name."

Her- "Evangeline."

Him- "Why are you talking to me, Evangeline?"

Her- "Your small like me."

Him- "Lots of people are small like us."

Her- "But your different."

Him- "I'm sorry."

Her- "For what?"

Him- "Being different."

Her- "Don't apologize."

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