Truth or Dare

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Malide, Lysandra & Asterin, Rowaelin


"Guys, lets play truth of dare!" Lysandra shrieked. She had insisted on a get together to honor the day something had happened though Aelin couldn't remember what.

Aedion groaned. "You're always dragging us into your lame games."

"I think it sounds fun!" Asterin screamed.

"Asterin, shhhhh," Manon hissed, "I'm in if she's in."

"And I'm in if she's in." Elide said, standing next to the white haired beauty.

"Well I have to play to protect Elide." Aelin announced.

"And if Aelin's playing all you guys are playing." Lysandra sat down on the couch.

"Wait, how do you play?" Chaol asked.

"Someone asks truth or dare. If you say truth they ask a question and you have to answer truthfully. If you say dare you have to do it. If you fail to do their thing you take a shot." Explained Dorian.

"Of course you would know," Rowan muttered

"I'll go first to demonstrate," Aelin said, "Chaol, truth or dare?"

"Uhhhhhh, truth?" He replied

Aelin grinned widely, "When was the last time you had sex, Chaol, Darling?"

Chaol laughed nervously, "You're kidding, right?"

Rowan crossed his arms, "Answer the question."

"Last night" he murmured

Collective gasp.

"With whom!" Aelin demanded.

He raised his hands defensively. "Hey! Thats two questions."

The queen huffed. "Fine"

Chaol looked around the room, "Dorian, truth or dare?"

"Dare" Dorian tried.

"Do an imitation of Aelin."

"Are you trying to kill me?" Dorian asked.

Chaol shrugged, "Do it"

Dorian stood and spoke in a high pitched voice,"I'm a fire breathing bitch queen and if you piss me off I'll melt your whole city. Oh, and I'm madly in love with Dorian Havillard."

Everyone laughed and Aelin threw a pillow at his head.

"Okay, okay" he bowed,"My turn." He eyed the group evilly, picking out his next victim. "Aelin, truth or dare?"

"Just because it's you, I choose truth."

"Okay, what color are your undergarments?" He asked.

"Black" Rowan answered for her.

"Extra lacy" she added causing Rowan to growl low in his throat.

"Humility isn't a virtue of yours, is it?" Manon asked.

"No, not really." Aelin grinned, "Rowan, truth or dare?"


"You guys are no fun." Aelin whined.

"Suck it up."

"Fine. If you could make-out with anyone in this room, besides me, who would it be?"

"Aelin" he growled

She shrugged "You chose truth."

He looked around the room, "Fireheart, your going to yell at me."

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