Ch.5: The Kyuubi's Host

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Sasuke's POV

I woke up at 6:00 like I do every morning. I sighed and smiled as I remembered the happenings of yesterday. I actually have a family besides him. Even if she is his daughter, Emiko will always make my day brighter. I'll make sure that Itachi doesn't get her back and brings her to where he is. Emiko is all that I have left now. She is now my only other reason to live.

I sighed and ruffled my bed hair. Stretching a bit I got out of bed and into the washroom. After a quick shower I dressed into my regular clothes and walked downstairs to make some breakfast. I made some onigiri with tomatoes on the side and ate quickly. After washing the dishes I packed the things I needed for the academy and slipped on my shinobi sandals.

I walked outside after locking the front door and made sure that all the windows were closed. I remained impassive as I walked out of the compound. I watched as street venders opened and early risers get up and ready for the rest of the day.

When I arrived I saw that I was the first one there. Not a surprise since was only seven in the morning and school started at 8:30. I sat in my usual place in the third row by the window. I leaned forward and rested my head on my folded hands as I gazed out the window and got lost in my thoughts.

Time Skip - 30 minutes

After 30 minutes of just sitting around and doing nothing, some other people entered the classroom. Many nodded in my direction as a sign of acknowledgement but I'd do nothing but stare. Soon I heard the pounding feet of many people. Sighing I looked out the window once again. Glancing at the door from the corner's of my eyes I saw many girls pushing each other to get inside the class. I sighed and glared.

Soon they all ended up on the ground in a pile. After a few seconds they were all standing in front of me and asking if they could sit beside me. Of course I didn't answer them and instead locked my gaze on the wall. I glared as the fangirls continued to make noises.

Tch. They're annoying. When will they realize that I will not like any of them even if my life depended on it?

I stopped glaring when I heard a soft yawn coming from the front of the room. I snapped my gaze there and my eyes softened at the sight. There stood my 8-year-old niece Emiko. She was wearing a similar kimono to the one yesterday except it was blue with dark blue petals running across the bottom and a light green obi. She was holding her teddy bear Kou-kun that she told me about yesterday. Emiko got it from Kyoko-nee when she was born. She smiled tiredly at everyone and said her hellos as she walked towards me.

Smiling at her slightly I pulled her up into my lap. Almost immediately, she snuggled herself into my chest and fell asleep. She probably didn't get enough sleep and was tired. I cringed slightly when I heard all my fangirls squeal. I glared at them as they started taking pictures of Emiko and I. Sighing and looked at Emiko to make sure she didn't wake up.

I looked up and observed what the other students did while we waited for Iruka-sensei. Soon enough, Iruka-sensei entered the classroom. I woke up Emiko saying that it was time for class. She nodded and climbed off my lap to sit beside me. She was still a bit tired so she leaned her body against my arm. I chuckled and interlocked our fingers as she tried to stay awake.

"Okay class, today we will be practising with kunai, shuriken and senbon needles. After we will have an aim precision test. So let's head to the training centre." Iruka-sensei explained.

We all stood up and lined up in front of the door. Since Emiko was tired I gave her a piggy back ride.

"Arigatō Sasu-oji." I heard Emiko mutter.

Itachi's Daughter (Naruto FanFic) {OLD VERSION} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now