Ch.7: We Miss You

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Itachi's POV

I panted as Kisame and I raced towards the base. It's been three days since Emiko was taken from us. Usually the whole trip would take six days but because this was Emiko we were talking about, we used a transportation jutsu that cut the distance in half. We only used this jutsu to avoid people who were tailing us or when we needed to escape a battle (which happened rarely) because the jutsu took up a lot of chakra.

We came to a halt in front of the entrance of the base. Making the hand signs, the barrier surrounding the entrance, weakened allowing us to enter. We both ran inside towards Leader-sama's office ignoring the fact that our clothes were soaked from the time running through the rain surrounding Amegakure. Instead of knocking on the door of Leader-sama's office like we usually do, Kisame and I just slammed the door open almost causing it to fall off it's hinges.

"Itachi! Kisame! What is the meaning of this?"

We both looked up and saw Leader-sama staring at us with an angered expression, but from our panting forms his eyes soon held confusion. He looked over Kisame and I once more until he noticed something or someone was missing.

"Itachi... I'll ask you once. Where is Emiko?" Leader-sama said in a deadly tone.

I heard Kisame gulp beside me. I couldn't blame him though. Even though Leader-sama was usually calm and wouldn't punish us too bad if anything went wrong, he was deadly when it came to Emiko. Everyone in the Akatsuki had a soft spot for her and would protect her from anything. That's why she was so strong. Everyone in the Akatsuki trained her in some way so she would be able to protect herself if we weren't there with her.

"Emiko... Emiko was kidnapped by the Konoha nin." I explained.

"Emiko was kidnapped?! How could that happen? Where were you when this happened? Itachi explain now." Leader-sama demanded.

"After we stole the scroll, Emiko sensed sixteen chakra signatures coming from behind and the side. Eight were Chūnin, four were Jōnin, and four were ANBU level shinobi. We made sure that Emiko was safely hidden in the foliage of the trees. After she was safely hidden we engaged in a battle with the Konoha nin, which we won," I said with a pointed look," After a while they all retreated. From what we know, we think that while we were fighting off the Chūnin and Jōnin, the four ANBU level shinobi sneaked off and captured Emiko."

The room became silent. I looked down at the ground in shame. When I returned to the spot where Emiko was my heart clenched when I saw that she wasn't there. I would have spent an entire day searching the forest surrounding Konoha if Kisame hadn't convinced me that it was no use.

Both Kisame and I jumped when a sudden crash interrupted the silence in the room. I looked up and saw that Leader-sama had punched a hole in his desk. His orange hair shadowed over his eyes and his whole body was tensed.

"Get. Out."

Those two words were enough for both Kisame and I to run out of there and towards the main room of the base. It was out of character for either if us to run in fear of what Leader-sama would do but when it came to Emiko being missing or in danger Leader-sama was the scariest being in the universe. Leader-sama usually had a calm and collected persona and when he was angry he was angry. It was a rare sight and was last seen when Orochimaru decided to "experiment" on Emiko.

When Kisame and I made it into the main room everyone stared at us in confusion.

"So you guys are back, yeah. I thought you'd be back in another three days, un?" Deidara questioned while making a bird from his explosive clay.

"We used the transportation jutsu." Kisame muttered.

This caught everyone's attention. We all knew that the transportation jutsu was to be used for emergencies only.

Itachi's Daughter (Naruto FanFic) {OLD VERSION} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now