Ch.10: It's my what?

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Emiko's POV

"I feel like I'm forgetting something..." I muttered to myself as I walked along the path towards the shopping district in Konoha.

Today was the weekend and I decided to sleep in late since the bell test was going to take place on Monday, but I woke up feeling that something important should be happening, but I couldn't remember what. It's been bothering me this entire time and was beginning to get on my nerves.

"Ugh... I give up. Maybe I'll remember later."

I continued my way to the shopping district and grinned as I saw a familiar duck ass haired boy. Jumping on the boy's back, I giggled as he stumbled forward from the sudden weight.

"Ohayo Sasu-oji!"

Sasuke glanced over his shoulder at me with an irritated expression. I saw that he tried to keep his annoyed expression but it immediately softened when he saw me. Sighing, Sasuke held my legs to hold me up and gave me a small smile.

"Ohayo Hime-chan." Sasuke muttered.

"What are you doing Sasu-oji?" I asked.

"I'm just going to do some shopping then I'll be heading to the training grounds to practice my ninjutsu. Do you want to come along?"

"Yeah! I want to come Sasu-oji. I was going to buy some groceries anyway. Can we practice our taijutsu at the training grounds too?"


I smiled and laid my chin on Sasu-oji's shoulder. I watched as villagers went by doing their usual routines. I waved at all the familiar faces with a smile on my face. My eyes brightened when I caught sight of a tuff of blond hair. Jumping off of Sasuke's back, I ran towards the knuckle headed shinobi.

"Naru-kun!" I yelled.

Naruto spun around on one the chairs of the Ichiraku Ramen stand. He grinned at me with a noodle hanging from his mouth. I giggled as he slurped the middle and waved at me with a sheepish grin.

"Hey Emi-chan!" Naruto greeted, "What's up?"

"I'm going to but some groceries with Sasu-oji then we'll be heading the training grounds to practice our ninjutsu and taijutsu. Do you want to come with us?" I asked.

"G-gomen Emi-chan. I actually promised Konohamaru that I would play with him today. I'll see you later though."

Naruto gave me a sheepish grin white running the back of his neck while I gave him a confused stare.

"Konohamaru? You mean the Hokage's grandson? He's a funny boy Naru-kun. But I'm worried that he's sick. Every time I'm around his face turns red. Is that normal?" I asked.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at me but his expression soon turned smug as my words dawned to him. He ruffled my hair with a smirk on his face.

"Don't worry about that Emi-chan. Konohamaru is fine, believe it!" Naruto chuckled.

I tilted my head but shrugged. My eyes widened when I heard a growl come from behind me. I turned slowly and gave Sasuke a sheepish grin. He was standing right behind me with a dark aura around him. Sasuke's hands were crossed over his chest and he was glaring at a shivering Naruto.

"A-ah, S-Sasuke, f-fancy s-seeing you h-here, ahaha." Naruto stuttered.

Sasuke growled and glared deadlier at Naruto. If looks could kill Naruto would have died and came back to life only to be sacrificed by Hidan. Feeling pity towards the blond headed shinobi, I grabbed Sasuke's hand and smiled up at him apologetically.

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