Ch.13: How We Met

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Emiko's POV

I stared up at the sky as I sat on one of the Hokage heads overlooking Konoha. I held my teddy bear and friend Kou-kun in my arms as my eyes remained focused on the sky. Slowly, my eyes began to fall as I remembered how we first met.


I held my favourite teddy bear in my left arm as my other held my Papa's arm. My eyes were covered by my Akatsuki cloak's hood. Rain continued to pour down over the two of us and the rest of Amegakure. It hardly ever was sunny in Amegakure, which was kind of sad. I miss the sun. I miss being able to dance in the rays, like I used to a year ago in Konoha.

I sighed and felt Papa squeeze my hand reassuringly. I smiled up at him from under my hood. Papa understood that I didn't like the rain. It always made me feel gloomy. I looked up when I felt us stop. I gazed up at a beautifully crafted gate. It was made of silver metal and was crafted to have two dragons that appeared to be tracing each other. The dragon on the right was black with a giant white pearl as for an eye. The one with on the left was crafted the same way but was the opposite colour as the other dragon. My mouth was wide agape as I stared at the dragons' eyes. They looked as if they were alive and protecting whatever lay beyond the gate.

I snapped out of my daze when Papa grabbed my shoulder and pushed me forward as the gate doors opened. I stared in awe as temple-styled houses came into view.

"Sugoi." I whispered.

"Yes, it is." Papa chuckled at me.

We continued walking until we reached the biggest house in the compound. From the size of the compound, it was most likely for a clan. From that, this house must be the home of the main branch family. It was the same back in Konoha with the other clan compounds. Walking forward, we entered the house to be greeted by several guards. I watched as Papa nodded towards a guard and handed him a scroll given by Pein-ojisan. The guard opened the scroll and read its contents before rerolling it and nodding towards the grand door at the end of the hall. Taking it as an indication to go ahead, Papa took my hand and pulled me towards the doors. Two guards opened the door as we entered.

As we reached the middle of the room, Papa went down on one knee and bowed to the man sitting on one of the thrones at the end of the room. Following his example, I gave a deep bow.

"Itachi, there is no need to bow towards me. Now stand dear friend, it has been a while since I last saw you. Chihara has missed you and Kyoko, now tell me, where is the young girl?" The man asked.

The man was lord Akihiro Ryuu, the leader of the Ryuu clan. Akihiro had long maroon hair that was tied in a low ponytail, much like Papa's. His eyes were a deep forest green that held a fire of determination. Like anyone of his status, Akihiro wore expensive robes but were quite mobile for any attacks.

Though the Ryuu clan is quite powerful, they are a small clan that lives in their own compound right outside Amegakure. After the 3rd shinobi war, the clan had greatly decreased due to the casualties and deaths during the war.

Both Papa and I rose as both our expressions held a grim expression.

"It has been long Akihiro-sama, and though I wish she was here, Kyoko is no longer with us." Papa informed the young lord.

The lord stared at Papa, confusion evident in his eyes until they held an understanding.

"I'm sorry for your loss Itachi. Chihara will be very sad to hear this. She, along with I, were great friends with Kyoko," The lord said sadly. He turned his gaze to me and raised an eyebrow, "Now who is this child that you have brought with you Itachi? Last time I checked, the Akatsuki weren't very fond of children."

Itachi's Daughter (Naruto FanFic) {OLD VERSION} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now