Ch. 14: A Gift and Curse

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Emiko's POV

I smiled as I ran through the beautifully crafted gates of the Ryuu clan's compound. I waved at everyone I passed as they laughed at the usual sight of me running through the streets. My smile widened as I saw a familiar house come into view. As if it acknowledged my presence, the door of the house opened as I came running through.

"Ohayo Jinrou-san! Ja ne!" I waved as I passed by my favourite guard.

"Ja ne Emiko! And stop running every time you come here." Jinrou yelled back at me.

I laughed in response and I ran through the doors to the grand hall. Seeing a familiar head of maroon hair, I smiled and jumped as I wrapped my arms around the person's shoulders.

"Kon'nichiwa Kou-kun!" I greeted happily.

I heard Kou yelp at the sudden weight. In response to my sudden hug, Kou held onto my legs to keep my steady on his back. When he finally got his balance, he looked at my smiling face over his shoulder and smiled in return.

"Kon'nichiwa Ko-chan." Kou greeted in his usual calm tone.

It's been a year since Kou and I have first met. I was now 6 years old and Kou was 7. We both still looked the same with some slight differences, main your height. Over the year, I learned that Kou had a very calm demeanor and liked to analyze things until coming to the best solutions. He would no doubt become a great clan leader in the future.

After a few months of getting to know each other, Kou and I finally called each other by the nicknames we made. He now calls me Ko-chan, while I call him Kou-kun.

I smiled as I placed my chin on Kou's shoulder and played with his slightly long, maroon hair.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked Kou excitedly.

Kou chuckled at my eagerness and slowly placed me back on my feet before turning around to face me. I had to look up slightly to meet Kou's eyes since he was about half a foot taller than me.

"Father allowed us to go and explore the clan's forest." Kou said with a sparkle on his eye.

My eyes sparkled as well. Kou and I loved to explore but lately we haven't been able to explore any new areas. Lord Akihiro said that we could only explore Amegakure and the clan's compound, which wasn't much after a year, so exploring the forest was a huge deal for us.

"Aki-oji is letting us explore the forest?" I asked just for confirmation.

A nod from Kou was all I needed. I jumped up and down with glee and grabbed Kou's hand in mine before dragging him outside towards the forest near the compound. I heard Kou laugh behind me at my enthusiasm.

"Slow down Ko-chan! We have the whole day to explore!" Kou called to me.

I slowed down my pace as we entered the forest but continued to hold Kou's hand in mine.

"Where should we explore first?"

The second I said that, something caught my attention from my peripheral view.

"Well, we could..." Kou stopped when he noticed that I wasn't paying attention. "Ko-chan, are you okay?"

I snapped out of my short trance and turned to Kou.

"Gomen, I'm fine Kou-kun. I just saw something shining over there." I said as I pointed at where I was looking.

"Shining? Hmmm...." Kou glanced at where I was pointing before looking back at me, "Do you want to check it out?"

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