Ch.8: Teams

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Emiko's POV

I groaned as I felt warmth land on my eyelids. Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked as the light blinded me. Yawning, I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes as I tried to get rid of the sleepiness. I watched as the sun rose from behind the horizon, causing more streams of light to enter my room through the window. Streams of light danced across the room as I jumped out of bed.

I stretched out the soreness from my body and let out another yawn. Taking a quick look I saw that it was only an hour before the explanatory meeting that was being held in the academy. I quickly grabbed a set of clothes and ran into the bathroom that was attached to my room.

Slipping out of my pajamas, I jumped into the shower and turned the faucet. I sighed in content as I felt my muscles relax from the contact of the warm water. Gabbing my lavender scented shampoo, I lathered it into my long, raven hair. After running it all out I grabbed my conditioner bottle and did the same. Once I was done I washed up and turned off the shower. I slipped out of the shower and grabbed the fluffy towel I left on the counter. Once I was dry enough, I put on my clothes and walked out of the washroom.

I walked to my closet and took out a weapons pouch that was already filled with a series of weapons and strapped it onto my right thigh. I ran towards my bed and went down on my knees reaching for something under my bed. When I felt my hand grasp a cool leather handle, I pulled it out from under my bed and smiled. Strapping it on my waist, I grabbed my comb and brushed through my hair. When I felt there were no tangled left, I tied my hair up into their usual twin tails.

Walking up to the mirror, I gave a small twirl to admire my appearance. I was wearing a sleeveless fishnet shirt, a blue kimono shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back, a thin white sash that held the shirt together, and black shorts that were up to my mid thigh. On my arms were white arm warmers with the Uchiha crest of both upper arm areas and on my legs were white leg warmers. Both hid the weights I was wearing.

So all in all, my outfit was the traditional wear of an Uchiha kunoichi. I smiled as I remembered one of the pictures that Papa had shown of me of Mama. She was wearing the exact same clothing as me as she trained to become one of the best shinobi.

I turned and jumped into my bed to grab Kou-kun. Taking off the ribbon that I placed on him yesterday, I put a blue vest on him with the Uchiha crest on the back so he would match me. I smiled and ran through the hall towards the stairs with Kou-kun in my arms. Sliding down the banister, I jumped at the end flipping through the air, landing perfectly on my feet. I stood up and straightened out my clothes.

Smiling, I walked into the kitchen my nose crinkled when I smelled something burning. I gave a small squeak as I covered my face when a sudden explosion erupted in front of me. I was pushed back a little from the force of the explosion. Uncovering my face, I coughed from the smoke surrounding me. I squinted my eyes through the smoke and ran to the kitchen window. I opened the window and turned around forming some hand signs. Using one of my wind jutsus, I forced all of the smoke out of the house through the window.

I laughed at the sight in front of me when all the smoke was gone. Standing in front of a broken oven was Kakashi. The oven's glass was shattered, the metal was bent in some areas, the inside was completely burnt, and there was a small fire that was still lit inside. Kakashi was standing there rubbing the back of his head sheepishly while holding a tray that held some burnt food, I think. His silver hair stuck straight up and was now a dusty, coal black. Kakashi's skin was covered in soot and the white apron he was wearing was now a black pastel colour.

Giggling slightly, I walked towards the one of the drawers in the kitchen and took out a towel. After soaking the towel with water, I grabbed Kakashi's hand and led him towards one if the chairs. I heard him sigh as he sat down in one if the chairs and allowed me to clean him of the soot. Pulling down his mask, I used the towel to wipe off all the dirt on his face. He didn't mind me taking off his mask as I have seen him without one before.

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