Chapter 24

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Alphys wore her lab coat, nostalgia getting to her. She shook it off and continued to fix herself in front of the mirror. She adjusted her glasses and smiled shyly at her own reflection.

“Babe, ya don’t need to make yourself look pretty! You already are!” Undyne spoke out to her flirtatiously.

Alphys rolled her eyes then smiled. She planted a kiss on the fish’s forehead before leaving the room.

The small lizard, or dinosaur, walked down the staircase with her usual Science equipments and a notepad with a pen. Alphys hasn’t worn this and did this for a long time so this caught the others’ attention.

“Alphys,” Toriel said with a soft voice. “Where are you going?” Until now, sadness is massively in Toriel’s big heart.

“I-I’m going to the lab,” she replied.

“To?” Flowey, who was sitting on Frisk’s lap, asked with a raised eyebrow.

“To check on Sans.”

The answer caught everyone off guard, even Undyne upstairs reacted violently.

“He’s alive?” Frisk asked, hope visible in her voice.

“No, b-but, it’s possible.” Alphys gave out a small smile.

“I-It is..?” Toriel asked, her eyes glistening with tears. Oh how the goat mother wished for the short skeleton’s company.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Papyrus asked with an innocent look.

“I-I thought you knew.” Alphys uttered but no one responded. That was understandingly a silence for ‘we don’t know’.

“May we come?” Papyrus grinned in excitement.

Alphys nodded and motioned for them to follow the ex-royal scientist. The new laboratory was just beside their house, built just for science-y stuff; more likely for Alphys to use.

The platinum doors were opened after entering a certain passcode and handprint. They all went in as soon as the doors opened up. It looks similar to that of Alphys’s laboratory back in the Underground, but much bigger.

Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Asgore, Frisk, and Flowey followed Alphys around the lab until they reached a camoufladged door. It looks secured and whatever’s behind there must be important enough to make Alphys continue her normal Science life.

“What’s in here?” Undyne asked looking around the room. Nothing could be seen clearly due to the nitrogen’s aura circling around the room. Plus, the coldness bothered the monsters.

Alphys switched a lever on which made a revving sound. The smokey scenery was erased by a small vaccuum. The room became clear but it was still pretty cold.

In the middle of the room is what shocked the monster family, even Frisk. After all these months, he’s still here?!

Sans’s body lied on a small bed.

Toriel immediately approached the skeleton’s limp body, tears escaping her hazel brown eyes. She held his cold and bony hand in hers.

“He’s still here..” Toriel whispered. “I thought he turned into dust..!” The goat looked at the short scientists in both relief and confusion. “Why?”

Alphys felt bad for not knowing the answer. “I-I don’t kn-know, Toriel. He has no HP but he i-is still here,” she said. “I don’t know what’s going o-on in th-there but I have theorized th-that he decided to ‘rest’ for a while to m-maybe recharge o-or…I’m really sorry f-for not knowing.”

“That’s okay.” Toriel smiled, hopeful that he’ll wake up soon.

“Ooh~” Frisk stared at the monitor in awe, seeing Sans's cyan soul. The others circled around the monitor and stared back at it.

“Wait, is it piecing back together?” Undyne asked in disbelief, seeing how the shattered soul seem to assemble.

Alphys’s eyes widened. “Wh-What?!” The dinosaur ran to the monitor and gasped, happiness now in her eyes.

“IS IT GOOD NEWS?” Papyrus asked the scientist. Luckily, she nodded.

“He’s coming back!” Alphys announced without stuttering.

The family rejoiced, Toriel being the happiest. The feeling warmth them and it filled them with determination.

But Frisk and Flowey.

The two stayed in front of the monitor, watching his soul piece back together until a black color devoured it. The soul became half black then half cyan. Frisk and Flowey tilted their heads in confusion. The soul soon turned back to pure cyan, then half black and cyan, pure black, then blue.

“There is something wrong with his soul.” Frisk spoke, continuously staring at Sans’s soul in the monitor.

The celebration stopped. The monsters went back to the monitor.

“Oh my, it is.” Asgore reacted. He hasn’t seen this happen to souls before. This is new but familiar. He’s eyes perked up after remembering. “I remember a soul doing this.”

“Really?!” Undyne asked.

“Yes.” Asgore retorted. “There was a soul I observed before that got devoured by black as well. Whose soul was it again? Oh right, it was Asriel’s. After my son died and had his dust spread onto one of my golden flowers, I observed his soul and saw it resonating inside of him. I was relieved until the same thing happened to his. Black devoured it completely, until now; he’s dead inside.”

Frisk slightly got frightened at Asgore’s experience. She looked Toriel, who looked petrified, and gripped her mother’s hand tightly in a reassuring way.

“Do you think that’ll happen to him, too?” Undyne asked in almost a whisper.

Papyrus nervously laughed at his friend’s probable question. “O-OF COURSE NOT! SANS KNOWS WHAT’S GOOD FROM BAD! I BELIEVE HE’LL ESCAPE FROM HIS REST IN A GOOD STATE!” Though positive about the outcome, his voice still had a tinge of depression. Papyrus couldn’t handle it if his brother will pass away. He adored his short brother even if he’s a big bag of lazybones.

Everybody looked down at their feet, closing their eyes in sorrow; thinking of the infinite possibilities that may occur to their dearest Sans. Papyrus sighed sorrowfully, taking his red scarf off which his brother made for him. He looked at it, tears rolling down his bony cheeks and onto his scarf. Papyrus lowered his head and closed his eyes. He continued, “Hopefully.”

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