[1]: Birthday

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

It had been the longest summer of Skyler's life.

She thought many times that Benjamin and Damon should never question how much she loved them because of how much she had been suffering all summer. When Klaus isn't trying to find werewolf packs, he's trying to reconcile, which Skyler doesn't want to do. She wishes Klaus would realize she's only there to pay the debt of him saving Damon and Benjamin. If she could leave, she would.

She knew today was Elena's birthday.

Stefan decided to cut everyone off. He said it would be easier that way, to not miss home or the people they left behind. In a way he was right. Skyler didn't cut everyone off, but she had her phone permanently on 'do not disturb,' so she didn't get notifications. She would read their messages, she didn't have her read receipts on, so they would never know, but she never responded, even when she really wanted to.

The trio was currently in Tennessee. They've been looking for one man all summer, a man who would be able to lead them to a werewolf pack so Klaus could try and start his hybrid army. Skyler has been heavily irritated that three months of her life have been wasted trying to find one man.

"Rudy! Rude. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you," Skyler and Klaus heard a woman calling after her dog. This house was their lead. Klaus looked at her and nodded. She rolled her eyes before grabbing his hand. The girl bent down to pick up her dog's toy and when she turned around, she jumped when she saw them behind her.

"We're so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you," Klaus said in an American accent that she didn't like. It wasn't natural, and since he was trying to make himself sound Southern, it made her hate it even more.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, um... my husband forgot to fill up his gas tank and we ran out of gas a couple of miles back, and it feels like we've been walking forever. I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm really tired. Your house is the first one we've seen in a while, so we were just hoping we could use your phone?" Skyler asked. That trick has normally worked, once she mentions just finding out that she was pregnant, which covers why her stomach isn't as big, and adding being tired, people have let them inside easily.

"You guys don't have a cell phone?" She asked.

"Huh... yeah," Klaus said as he pulled it out of his pocket. "Battery died and my wife left hers in the car, she's a bit spacey sometimes. Look, we promise we're not serial killers. I just want to use your phone," He said. The woman looked them up and down, something inside of her telling her not to do it, but she decided against it.

"Sure," She said.

"So, we can come in?" Klaus said, trying to get an invitation into the house. The girl shook her head.

"No, I'll get the phone and bring it out to you," She said. Skyler nearly laughed, but she felt Klaus' body tense up. She was the first person to ever say that.

"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting," Klaus said. The girl laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm from Florida," She said. Skyler softly laughed, only for Klaus to hear. He squeezed her hand, hard, and she glared at him. She didn't care about this girl or his quest for werewolves and she would ruin it all in a second if he tried that again.

"Well, that explains it," Klaus said. He let go of Skyler's hand and then grabbed the girl around her throat. "Now, how about you show me and my wife some southern hospitality, sweet pea," He said. The girl nodded and invited them in.

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