[16]: 1912

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2012 Mystic Falls, Virginia

mystic falls, virginia
circa 1912

"Will you get home alright, Mr. Salvatore?"

Sheriff Gerald Forbes and Zachariah Forbes were both leaving the council meeting that had just taken place. It was a dark and slightly chilly night out in the small, quiet town of Mystic Falls, they hadn't had any big incidents since the vampires were 'killed' in 1864, and people no longer feared to be out alone at night. Zachariah shook his head at the Sheriff and chuckled.

"Oh, a winter chill never hurt anyone, Sheriff Forbes." He responded, and the Sheriff shook his head, for his concern was not about the weather, it was about Zachariah walking home on his own in the middle of the night.

"I'm less concerned about the cold front, more for your safety." The Sheriff said, and Zachariah shook his head.

"One councilman's murder doesn't make an epidemic. Goodnight." Zachariah said, and Sheriff Forbes nodded his head.


The two men went their separate ways. As Zachariah crossed through the town square to get to the Salvatore Boarding House and heard a noise. When he looked around he saw no one there, and then when he turned back around.

He was brutally stabbed.


Skyler Salvatore sat in her room, doing something she hadn't done in a long time, writing in her journal. She's done it on and off throughout the years since she was human, she did document all of her times with the Mikaelsons and sometimes she reads them to look back on what was going on. But with the direction that her relationship with Klaus was moving in, she wanted to write some things down and process her feelings. When she wrote out all of her feelings, she took a deep breath and felt relieved. Then she made her way over to Stefan's room to see what he was up to. He was also writing in his diary. Damon joined her shortly after she walked in, and Stefan looked up at his siblings when Damon started talking.

"Dear diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie will haunt me forever," Damon said and Skyler laughed. Stefan rolled his eyes, closed his diary, and put it back on his shelf.

"What do you want?" Stefan asked.

"I was hoping the three of us could hang. You know, a little sibling bonding. I know we don't actually 'hang out.' We team up, join forces, and activate our wonder triplet powers," Damon said as he showed Stefan his ring to make the reference. Skyler looked at her wrist.

"I have a bracelet," Skyler said.

"Well, you're technically the twin, I'm the wonder," Damon said. Skyler rolled her eyes as Damon went over to Stefan's bookshelf and started searching through it.

"What are you doing?" Stefan asked.

"Digging up clues. Most of the Originals are gone, but now we have a whodunnit in town. Hey, do you guys remember when we came back for Zachariah's funeral?" Damon asked and Skyler nodded. 1912, Klaus was really understanding and Skyler said she wouldn't mention their family to her brothers, but he understood she needed to see him.

Skyler did tell her brothers everything about the Originals. She told them everything, that Katherine killed her, where she's been, what she's been doing. She told them she got married. She told them everything to get it off of her chest, and then she compelled them to forget everything about the Original family. She didn't want them trying to find her or asking too many questions.

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