[11]: Town is Ours

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Stefan let his sister in on his plan and told her that he was hiding Klaus' coffins from him. His only condition was that Skyler couldn't tell Elena what was going on, which she was fine with because she wasn't going to tell Elena anyway. The twins were standing in Damon's room, waiting for him to finish getting ready because they were meeting Bonnie at the witch house. Damon walked out of his bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and a smile on his face, and he was whistling. Skyler raised an eyebrow. What the hell has him so happy? She thought to herself.

"Good morning," Damon said to them.

"You're late. We're supposed to meet Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes," Stefan said. Ever since her brother got back, Skyler's been trying to figure him out. Everyone else was debating whether or not Stefan had his humanity flipped back, but Skyler was pretty sure he did. Anger is an emotion and he's channeling everything toward Klaus. He's focusing on anger so he doesn't have to focus on anything else.

"Relax, brother. You don't want your hair to fall out," Damon said and Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Would you hurry up? We have work to do. You know, Klaus isn't going to spontaneously self-destruct," Stefan snapped and Skyler laughed.

"Wouldn't we all love that?" She said and then she noticed the joy on Damon's face and she had never seen him that happy before. Something happened.

"Why are you all chipper?" Skyler asked her eldest brother. Damon looked at her and shrugged.

"No reason. I'll be with you in a minute."


The Salvatore Siblings were approaching the witch house when Stefan looked at them. "Neither of you said anything to Elena about the coffins, right?" Stefan asked. Skyler rolled her eyes and Damon shook his head. They told Stefan they wouldn't say anything, and they do know how to keep their word.

"No, I said I wouldn't, and I haven't," Damon said.

"I also said I wouldn't," Damon said.

"I know what you said, Damon," Stefan said. Skyler rolled her eyes. She knew when they came back to Mystic Falls it would only be a matter of time before Elena started to repeat the cycle that Katherine started with her brothers. It's been obvious since Damon came back that he is also in love with Elena. Skyler was wondering when it was all finally going to come to a head.

"Why are you asking?" Damon asked.

"Because protecting the location of Klaus' family is my number one priority right now, and the fewer people who know, the better," Stefan said. Damon stopped walking, which made Skyler and Stefan stop walking and look at him.

"What's wrong?" Skyler asked. Damon silently disappeared, leaving the twin siblings confused. Skyler turned around and bumped directly into a body. When she looked up, she recognized the person as one of Klaus' hybrids because his face had changed. He was about to bite her, she was ready to rip his heart out, but before she could do anything, his body fell down in front of her. Then she saw Damon standing behind him with his heart in his hands, and he shook his head.

"These hybrids, they're really bringing the neighborhood down."


When Bonnie Bennett and Skyler Salvatore arrived at school, they saw Elena and Benjamin decorating Caroline's locker. The girls approached after getting their stories straight. Skyler also hasn't told Benjamin about the coffins because Stefan is right, the fewer people who know, the better it is for everyone, and the lesser chance Klaus has of finding out.

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