[22]: Departed

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2012 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Last night after everyone left, before Jeremy Gilbert went to bed, he was going to say goodnight to his sister. He found her passed out in Alaric's old room with blood coming out of her nose. He yelled for Skyler, and she quickly rushed Elena to the hospital. She knew Elena wouldn't want her blood, and Skyler would never give someone her blood without their consent. However, when she called her brothers to let them know what was going on, they were not happy about the decision.

"You did what?" Damon asked.

"I took her to the hospital. That's what you do when you find your sister unconscious and bleeding from her nose," Jeremy said.

"Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal," Damon said.

"Every remaining Original is going to want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there," Stefan said.

"I haven't seen or heard from Elijah or Kol in weeks. I don't know where Rebekah disappeared. I doubt they know Elena is here," Skyler said.

"And Meredith wants to keep her here for observation," Jeremy said.

"It doesn't matter. Get Elena home now. We're on our way," Damon said and then hung up the phone. Jeremy looked at Skyler with an annoyed look and she laughed.

"Come on, let's just get her home."


Tyler and Matt opened the door to the Gilbert House while Caroline had her arm wrapped around Elena and was helping her to the couch. Elena seemed like she was doing better. Meredith didn't tell Jeremy and Skyler the truth about Elena's injuries. She also didn't tell them that she used Damon's blood to heal Elena. Instead, she told them Elena had a concussion.

Skyler didn't believe her.

Jeremy found her passed out with blood coming out of her nose. Skyler knows that's more severe than a concussion. "Couch," Caroline said when she got Elena inside the house.

"I'm fine. I just... I want something to eat first," Elena said and Tyler nodded.

"We're on it. As soon as we make sure no one is lurking in the closets," Tyler said. Tyler, Matt, and Jeremy all went upstairs to check the house while Skyler and Caroline stayed downstairs with Elena.

"Alright, couch, now," Caroline said.

"I told you, I'm fine," Elena said.

"Doctor says rest, you rest," Caroline said as she grabbed a blanket off the chair. When Elena sat down on the couch, Caroline draped the blanket over Elena's lap. "Now, what can I get you? Do you want some tea? Maybe some vodka? Both will help you sleep," Caroline said and Skyler laughed.

"She's right," Skyler said.

"I know... I'm being smothering. It's what I do," Caroline said.

"No... it's nice," Elena said as she nodded and Caroline smiled before standing up.

"I'm thinking tea with vodka."


Skyler and Benjamin were on a road trip with Damon, while Stefan was back at the Gilbert House with Elena. Elijah showed up to the house, asking for Klaus' body. That's why Skyler was with Damon. She told him not to reveal the location of Klaus' body to her unless it was absolutely necessary. Elena called Skyler after she invited Elijah inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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