[13]: Bringing the Dead Out

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

The Salvatore Twins were lounging in Stefan's room when their older brother Damon walked inside. He had two shirts in his hands. Stefan was in the bathroom, he had just gotten out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. Skyler was lying on Stefan's bed on her stomach, but when Damon walked in, she sat up and sat down on her butt.

"Get dressed. We're going out," Damon said to them.

"Yeah, sorry. Not interested," Stefan said as he started to get dressed.

"Ditto," Skyler said.

"I didn't ask. Elijah and I have scheduled a very old-fashioned sit down with you and Klaus. Elijah also requested Skyler's presence because he thinks you can make us all behave. Stefan, you should wear black, it makes you look all villainy," Damon said and Skyler rolled her eyes.

"Klaus isn't going to make a deal, doesn't matter if I'm there or not. Plus, Benjamin just called me. Caroline's dad is dead, do I really have to go?" Skyler asked.

"Were you going to go be with Caroline?" Damon asked.

"I mean... not right this second, but I was probably going to check on her later," Skyler said.

"So you have to go. Also, your husband doesn't have to make a deal. All we're doing is buying a little time to give our wicked witches a chance to pop the top off of the coffin," Damon said. Skyler rolled her eyes.

"So that's your plan? To stall Klaus? I hope you know he's going to see right through it," Skyler said.

"If Stefan didn't go postal on his hybrids, then maybe we'd have some options," Damon said.

"So you unleashed an Original to help out?" Stefan asked.

"Undaggering Elijah was smart, Stefan. Are you kidding me? After what Klaus did to him, he's in vengeance mode. It's perfect," Damon said and Skyler rolled his eyes.

"You know when else Elijah was in vengeance mode? When he first came to Mystic Falls to prevent Klaus from doing the sacrifice... we all know how that one went," Skyler said.

"Well, Skyler... with the way our brother has been acting, I trust Elijah about as much as I trust him," Damon said.

"And what about me?" Skyler asked.

"I never know whose side you're on, so can I trust you?" Damon asked.

"I did warn you about Klaus sending one of his hybrids up to Bonnie's mom," Skyler said.

"Then I trust you for now," Damon said and Skyler smiled.

"I guess trust goes both ways, doesn't it?" Stefan asked. Skyler rolled her eyes. She knew Stefan was talking about the fact that Damon and Elena kissed.

"Oh, yes... this is about me kissing Elena. Just remember, if it wasn't for Klaus, you would've never become such a dick and that kiss would've never happened...-" Skyler cut Damon off.

"...-Hold on, Damon... remind me again why Stefan and I gave ourselves over to Klaus in the first place?" Skyler asked as she turned to her brother. His trying to make his kiss with Elena seem like Stefan's fault is a low blow. "Becuase last I checked, it was to save your life, and your thanks to Stefan was kissing Elena?" Skyler asked. Damon didn't say anything as he looked at her.

"Trusting you a little less now," He said and she shrugged. "Anyways, both of you, get dressed and get happy. We're going to negotiate a fake truce and I don't want either of your attitudes screwing it up," Damon said and then he left the twins in Stefan's room. Skyler sighed as she looked at her brother.

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