[14]: The Mikaelson Ball

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Skyler Salvatore made her way to Elena Gilbert's house the next morning. She knew her brothers were already there and everyone wanted to know what was inside Klaus' mystery coffin. Skyler wasn't sure who she expected it to be, but she definitely didn't expect it to be Esther.

"It was their mother, Esther, who was sealed in the coffin," Skyler said to Elena and her brothers.

"As in the Original Witch?" Stefan asked and Skyler nodded.

"What? How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago," Damon said.

"She's a witch. She most likely always had a preservation spell on her body," Skyler said.

"That and she probably has a couple of connections in the witch community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus," Elena said.

"Esther said that last night too," Skyler said.

"She was supposed to be the weapon to kill Klaus," Stefan said.

"Well, not anymore... at least, not according to Elijah," Elena said and Skyler raised an eyebrow. Since when were Elijah and Elena all buddy-buddy? She knew if she asked that out loud, Elena would stumble over her words, but something about Elena talking about Elijah like she had familiarity with him was rubbing Skyler the wrong way. She never thought of herself as territorial or possessive over the Mikaelsons, but that's how she felt.

"That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds," Stefan said.

"Anyone else feeling a little used right now?" Damon asked and Skyler laughed.

"Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us, and I believe him," Elena said and then the doorbell rang, but Skyler was still looking at Elena.

"Since when did you and Elijah become all buddy-buddy?" Skyler asked. Elena had gone to the door, and when she returned, she had an envelope in her hands, and she turned to Skyler.

"We're not... really," Elena said as she opened the envelope. "It's an invitation. 'Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock, for dancing, cocktails, and celebration," Elena read from the card.

"Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?" Stefan asked.

"Your in-laws," Skyler said. Stefan made a face at her and she smiled.

"It's bad enough they're moving into town, now they want a housewarming gift?" Damon said. Elena turned the card over because she said there was a note on the back.

"Read it," Skyler said.

"Elena. I think it's time that we finally meet, Esther."


"Hey, Skyler, there you are," Benjamin Forbes said when his best friend came back home. He was in the parlor room and there was a box sitting on the table. Skyler raised an eyebrow as she pointed to the box.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's for you," He said. Skyler walked further into the parlor room and sat on the couch. She examined the box, that was neatly gift-wrapped and tied from both angles into a bow.

"What is that?" She asked.

"How would I know? Open it," Benjamin said.

"Alright," Skyler said. She untied the white bow from the box, and when she took off the wrapping paper and opened the box, she saw an envelope on top of a black dress, with flower designs on it. Underneath the envelope was a jewelry box. When Skyler opened the jewelry box, there was a rose gold necklace inside.

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