[10]: New Dealings

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, and Skyler Salvatore sat together at The Grill. Bonnie and Elena were eating, but Skyler wasn't. She was too full of blood and she was still coming down from not having emotions, she was starting to feel numb, but she knew she couldn't sulk in the house all day. "I feel like I'm going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time," Elena said.

"You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there, and he knows you tried to kill him," Bonnie siad.

"Way to make her feel better, Bonnie," Skyler said.

"Why hasn't he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity," Elena said.

"That is his move. It's what he did to Katherine. She was always on the run, even though the majority of the time Klaus wasn't chasing her. The paranoia of him possibly being out there was part of the punishment. He could be doing the same thing now," Skyler said.

"I feel you on the insanity thing. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat," Bonnie said.

"What's the nightmare?" Skyler asked.

"Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them. The rest are sealed, it's weird," Bonnie said. Skyler had a thought. Maybe it was the coffins that Klaus was keeping Kol, Finn, Rebekah, and Elijah in. but it's interesting that Klaus is in one of the four coffins.

"Bonnie, that sounds like it could possibly be a witch dream," Skyler said. Bonnie shook her head.

"It's just stress, I'll figure it out. What about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?" Bonnie asked. Stefan disappeared immediately after homecoming and Skyler hasn't heard from him. She had no idea if he was okay, if his humanity was back, or what he was doing.

"He betrayed us, Bonnie. The Stefan we know is gone," Elena said.

"He didn't betray anybody. As I explained to Damon last night, Stefan stopped him from killing Klaus because Klaus' hybrids still would've been loyal to him and killed Damon. Stefan saved his life. You're welcome," Skyler said. Elena sighed and Bonnie looked at Skyler.

"How is Damon handling it?" Bonnie asked.

"Damon is being... Damon. I'm gonna go shoot some darts."


Skyler remained at The Grill, playing darts and day drinking. When Bonnie left, Elena joined her, and soon enough, Damon joined them as well. Alaric had popped in and he told Elena that Jeremy was fired from The Grill two weeks ago and he's failing all of his classes. Skyler realized she hadn't talked to him since she turned off her humanity and saw them sitting at the outside table with Stefan's journal.

"Jeremy! Call me the minute you get this!" Elena snapped into his voicemail, and then she hung up the phone. "Unbelievable!" She exclaimed as Skyler hit a bullseye.

"You are feisty when you're mad," Damon said.

"I'm not mad. I'm just... I'm worried," Elena said as Damon hit the bullseye.

"You sounded mad to me and I don't see why. So what? He lost his job at The Grill. It's not like he was making six figures. He'll survive," Skyler said. Elena shook her head.

"It's not just that. He's spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he's been moody and not really talking to anyone," Elena said. Skyler rolled her eyes. Benjamin caught her up on everything she missed when she was in Lexi's timeout.

"Then he shouldn't have cheated on her with the ghost of his ex-girlfriend. Bonnie had every right to dump him. He's a teenager, he'll get over it, move on, and probably find a new girlfriend in college," Skyler said.

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