[8]: Ordinary People

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Stefan and Skyler Salvatore were still in the city jail that Elena and Lexi had chained them down in. They had been there for days since Lexi disappeared, and instead of being under the illusion that they were starving, they actually were starving. The twins also hadn't spoken to each other, there was really nothing to talk about. They were too weak and hungry to do anything but sit there in torture. The doors opened and Skyler knew who it was before they entered.

Benjamin and Damon.

They had been coming to see the siblings a lot, and most of the time, they would be sitting there in silence. "You know, if you, Elena, and Benjamin are going to keep us locked in here for the next decade, I think we can skip the routine visits," Skyler said.

"You both know I'm not a big champion in this whole Lexi-Recovery-Plan... but Elena thinks this place is going to weaken you up, break you down, make you feel again," Damon said and Skyler scoffed.

"So we should all listen to Elena, right? I mean her plans always work out so well, and our plans always get perfectly executed when she's involved, right?" Skyler said sarcastically. Damon rolled his eyes but he knew his sister was right.

"Why are you here, Damon?" Stefan asked.

"What are you talking about? It's Family Day at Vampire Rehab! So, I'm paying a visit to my little twins," Damon said. Stefan and Skyler rolled their eyes.

"Go away," They spoke together.

"Nah, I thought we could hang out, a little sibling bonding. How've you been Stef? Sky?" Damon asked. Skyler wished she could rip his tongue out so she didn't have to hear him anymore.

"You know, Klaus may want to keep Elena alive, but that doesn't mean she's safe with Rebekah," Stefan said. He was trying to say anything to make Damon go away and leave them alone.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire, brother. Klaus compelled you to protect Elena, and if you thought even for a second that she was in danger, you'd be working a lot harder," Damon said.

"He's got you there," Skyler said.

"Yep," Damon said.

"Alright great, now that we've established that, congratulations. You can leave," Skyler snapped. Damon looked between his siblings and shook his head. He almost didn't recognize them. He'd seen Stefan without humanity before, but this was his first time experiencing an emotionless Skyler. And with Skyler, it was weird... her personality was the same, but her words had more bite behind them because she didn't care about hurting anyone's feelings.

"Wow, you both really have given up," Damon said as he shook his head again.

"Actually... these are our happy faces," Stefan said as he and Skyler's faces remained stoic. Damon looked at his siblings for a while as he debated whether or not what he was about to do was a good idea. He walked over to Skyler and broke the chains from around her ankles and wrists, and then he did the same for Stefan. The twins turned to their older brother and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" Skyler asked.

"Screw this Lexi-plan. I think we could all use a drink."


[A/N: So even though Skyler will be with Damon and Stefan for this chapter, and not Elena and Rebekah, I'm still going to do the flashbacks of Rebekah telling Elena their story, because it's still important].

900ish AD
mystic falls, virginia territory

Rebekah Mikaelson stood in the cave ruins near where her home was, using one of her father's hunting knives to carve her name into the Runic cave wall. Her brother Niklaus Mikaelson stood behind her, holding a torch in his hand as a use of light, impatiently watching his sister, because he wanted his turn to carve his name into the stone.

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