[21]: Sunset

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2012 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Skyler Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson were in the cafeteria cleaning up the aftermath of the dance. Skyler figured since Rebekah didn't get to go because of what Esther did, Skyler wanted to help her clean up. Rebekah did organize it and she didn't get to go. Skyler felt bad. She felt like ever since Klaus undaggered Rebekah, she hadn't been the greatest friend to her and she hated that.

She was going to change things.

"Where's Matt?" Caroline asked as she approached the other blondes in the cafeteria.

"He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute," Rebekah said.

"Are you kidding me? So it's just the three of us?" Caroline asked and Rebekah nodded.

"Yes, and you're late. Clean up committee started at 8:00," Rebekah said.

"It's like 8:02," Caroline said and Skyler laughed.

"Care, not even a year ago, you would've killed us for being a second late to anything that you planned," Skyler said and Rebekah laughed.

"Exactly. I managed to show up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized," Rebekah said. Skyler watched as sympathy came across Caroline's features. Skyler knew the only thing Rebekah ever wanted was to live the human life that got taken from her.

"I'm sorry about your Mom. I mean, I know you like... hated her and everything, but still. I'm sorry," Caroline said sincerely. Rebekah was emptying the trashcan and she nodded.

"I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy," Rebekah said sincerely. Caroline and Skyler shared a sad look before nodding.

"He was a great guy," Skyler said.

"I'm going to get started on the gym," Rebekah said as she left the cafeteria. When Caroline and Skyler were alone, Caroline smiled at her best friend.

"You doing okay?" Caroline asked.

"No... but Ric wouldn't want me to sit around and mope. I'll probably go see Klaus after we finish up," Skyler said. Caroline nodded as she gave her a sympathetic look.

"I'm glad you were able to come to a place where you and Klaus can be good again," Caroline said.

"It's still a work in progress, but... thanks, Care," Skyler said softly, and then she heard struggling in the hallway. Skyler quickly ran out into the hallway and to her surprise, she saw Rebekah fighting against Alaric. Caroline had followed Skyler out and Skyler pushed her towards the exit. "Caroline, get out of here, now," She said.

"I'm not leaving you," Caroline said.

"Yes, you are. Get out of here and get somewhere safe, go, now," Skyler said. Caroline nodded and disappeared while Skyler rushed to Rebekah's aide. Skyler pinned Alaric to the locker, and Rebekah took the white oak stake and staked Aalric in the chest. The girls backed up as they waited, but he didn't catch on fire.

He took the stake out of his chest.

Rebekah and Skyler's eyes widened as they immediately ran out of the building. Skyler made a break for her car but was fumbling with her keys. Alaric rushed out and despite getting burned by the sun, he slammed Skyler's head into her car window.

Then he dragged her back inside.


Elena Gilbert was upstairs in Alaric's old room, repainting the room, trying to keep herself busy and distracted so she wouldn't think about Alaric being dead, or so she thought. Meanwhile, downstairs, the Salvatore brothers were speaking with Bonnie whom Damon just brought to the house, after Alaric had fed on her. Elena's phone started to ring, and when she looked down and checked the Caller ID, it said Alaric and she rolled her eyes before answering.

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