[19]: Dark Hearts

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2012 Mystic Falls, Virginia

"Ric?" Skyler Salvatore called out for him when she walked into the cellar of their basement. Today's task was to get Alaric's dark side to come out and tell them where the last white oak stake was. The twins were taking that, and while they did that, Damon and Elena were going to Denver to see if Jeremy could talk to Rose and ask who turned her. They want to know which vampire is responsible for their bloodline.

Skyler is 100% sure it's Klaus. She doesn't know why, but to her, it being Klaus makes the most sense.

"Yep, still me," Alaric said and Skyler entered the cellar. She had a big bag with her because she brought some things down for him. Alaric was sitting on a cot and Skyler sat down on the ground in front of him. "You know, you shouldn't be in here. It defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing," He said and she laughed.

"It's my house, I can break the rules if I want to. Besides, you need the basics. Toothbrush, clothes, boring books to help you sleep," She said as he handed him the bag. Alaric rooted through it and picked up one of the books.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" He asked while laughing and shaking his head. Skyler took the book from him and rolled her eyes.

"What? No, I grabbed...-Damon," She said as she shook her head and put the book on the ground. "That idiot thinks he's so hilarious," She said and Alaric laughed more.

"You have to admit... it's a little funny," He said. Skyler caved and smiled while shaking her head. "And at least one of us still has a sense of humor," He said.

"I'm going to ignore that because you and I both know I'm much funnier than both of my brothers," Skyler said and Alaric laughed. "Anyways, are you sure that you... I mean, you know you don't have to be kept in here, right? I trust you, and if you do get out of control, there are plenty of ways to knock you unconscious without killing you," Skyler said as she shrugged.

"Ah, no. I appreciate it, Skyler, but this is the right place for me. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to fess up where I... or he... hid the white oak stake," He said and Skyler nodded.

"We looked everywhere. You... well, the other you hid it well," Skyler said.

"What's Klaus going to do if they can't find it?" Alaric asked and Skyler laughed.

"Well, considering that stake is the only thing that can kill him... He'll wage war, threaten to murder people, then probably actually murder people, you know. A regular Tuesday for my ex-husband," Skyler said as she shook her head and Alaric laughed.

"It's just... ever since I've gotten to know you more, and then Klaus showed up in our lives. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you did marry him... and that you want to marry him again eventually," Alaric said and Skyler laughed.

"I was a different person back then and so was he. I mean... not much, but, different enough. And now, we're different people. We can't bring those other people back, and we can't bring their relationship back. That's why I wanted a divorce, and that's why I wanted to start over. We have to build based on who we are now, not who we used to be," Skyler said and Alaric nodded.

"You know, you're really smart for a 17-year-old," Alaric said. Skyler laughed while shaking her head.

"You're an asshole. Look, Stefan and I are going to be looking after you today. Since Klaus knows where Jeremy is, Damon and Elena are going to get him and bring him back. I get he's not safe in Denver, but the reason we sent him there was because it wasn't safe here, but, whatever, their choice," Skyler said.

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