[7]: World of Ghosts

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2011 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Damon Salvatore woke up in his living room to discover he was chained down to a chair. He had a firestick poker sticking out of his chest. He thought this was the work of one of his siblings, but he was in for a surprise. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Low blow, Skyler or Stefan, whichever one of you did this. Low blow," Damon said.

Skyler was in the kitchen and she walked to the living room when she heard Damon. She and Stefan arrived in the living room at the same time, and Skyler laughed when she saw Damon's predicament. "What the hell happened to you?" Skyler asked.

"Whatever twisted no humanity game this is, will the two of you leave me out of it?" Damon asked.

"We didn't do this," Stefan said.

"Quit screwing around!" Damon snapped at them. Skyler and Stefan looked at each other and they shrugged. Skyler didn't understand what motivation she would have to do this to Damon. She didn't care enough.

"As much as I would love to take credit... I quite literally don't care enough to spend the time it would take for this," Skyler said as she walked over to examine the chains. She bent down and picked some of them up and laughed. "It's pretty messed up, isn't it? Maybe whoever did this is into BDSM. Attract anyone like that lately, Damon?" She asked and Damon sneered at his sister.

"The only person I can think that would be into that is your missing husband," Damon said and Skyler laughed. She and Klaus were never like that, but she wasn't going to let Damon know that.

"What can I say? We were adventurous," Skyler said. She laughed when Damon's face scrunched up in disgust. She pulled the fireplace poker out of his chest, which caused him to groan in pain. Skyler started to take the chains off, but then she shrugged her shoulders and walked out of the living room. She could hear Stefan behind her and then Damon called out.

"Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself," Damon said. Skyler smiled as she responded to him from the kitchen.

"Yeah, that was the idea."


Skyler was walking to The Grill to get a drink and she saw Elena, Jeremy, and Alaric sitting at an outside table. She walked over to the table and sat down in the empty chair next to Jeremy. "Oh, hi guys. Nobody wanted to invite me to family lunch?" She asked.

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy asked.

"I'm here for a drink... you offering?" Skyler asked in a flirtatious tone. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Absolutely not," Elena snapped. Skyler looked over at her and looked her up and down, and then she laughed again.

"He can answer for himself, Elena. He does have his own mind, no matter how many times you attempt to mess with it," Skyler said. Elena gave her a look while Jeremy stifled a laugh. He knew it wasn't funny, but he couldn't help it.

"Anyways, Jer, as I said, is Anna here right now?" Elena asked and Skyler's eyes perked up. Anna? She remembered when Bonnie said Jeremy was seeing the ghosts of his dead ex-girlfriends, and then she overheard Elena saying to Alaric that it was from when Bonnie brought Jeremy back to life after Sheriff Forbes accidentally shot and killed him when she was aiming for a vampire.

"Aw, tell her I said hi," Skyler said.

"No, she's not here. I'm gonna go check my work schedule," Jeremy said as he quickly stood up from the table and went inside. Skyler turned to Alaric and Elena.

"You know he's lying, right? She was definitely here," Skyler said. Neither of them responded and the three sat in silence until Stefan approached the table and sat down in the chair that Jeremy had left.

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