Chapter 1: Rash Decisions

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It was the worst day of Ella's life. In all her life she couldn't remember a worse time (except the death of her hamster).

Her boyfriend of six months, Calum, had dumped her two months ago and he didn't tell her why, which sucked because she thought they were going great.

She had spent a month withering away in a state of sadness and self pity, until summer started, she then vowed to forget about him.

But even the day of her break up was not as bad as that morning when her best friend, Sam, had forced her out of bed at 9AM. That is what dubbed this as a terrible day; waking up early for something other than school or work.

Maybe she was exaggerating but in her opinion, it should be illegal to be up that early.

Sam waited on her bed while Ella showered, brushed her teeth, and her hair until it fell in soft waves down her back. She put on black short shorts, a light denim jacket and converse.

"Okay, I'm ready. Now you have to tell me where we're going, I have to call my mom and tell her too, she's at work. " She said. Her parents both worked at a law firm and came home pretty late if they had a complicated case.

"Nuh uh! It's a surprise! And I already called her last week and I'm in full responsibility of you for today! " Sam was way too excited saying that for it to be normal.

Ella grabbed a backpack and shoved in her phone, earphones, wallet, and keys. They got in Sam's car and started on their journey to God knows where.

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong or do I have to guess? Because you're a little too sad today, just when I thought you were back to your normal self." Sam said, knowing Ella too well.

"Yesterday I was at Walmart with my mom and I saw Calum with Tiffany Biskit in the parking lot." Ella pouted.

Sam didn't even hesitate before saying, "fuck Tiffany Biskit."

"Yeah I'm sure Calum did."

"Aw come on El you know I didn't mean it like that, he's an asshole and today is a day to forget about him and the devil Tiffany."

Sam despised Tiffany because she was cheerleading captain and used her power to treat the whole team like her personal slaves. Sam hated going to cheer practice because of it but Ella found it entertaining to watch.

After about an hour of driving, Sam handed Ella a scarf to tie over her eyes so the "surprise could be better" (Sam's words not hers), Ella didn't like surprises and hated Sam's obsession with them. She parked and told her to take off the scarf.

"You did NOT take me to Disneyland!" Ella yelled after looking at her surroundings. She grabbing Sam in a big tight hug. They lived in California but Ella had never been here before; her parents were always busy and her brother always had their shared car.

Sam laughed and they joined the long line waiting to get in. (idk how disneyland works)

"Remember my cousin Daniel?" Sam started.

"The one who tried to sell me heroin when I was 12?"

"Yeah that's the one, he got me two tickets, probably illegally, so obviously I had to take you."

"Sam, you're the best thing to happen to this world other than ice cream." Ella said, and after a while, they made it to the top of the line.

They got in and started talking excitedly about where they should go first.

After a number of rides, Sam led Ella to a line up for a rollercoaster called "Paradise Peer".
They were standing in line when an impatient kid suddenly pushed them from behind.

Ella crashed into the guy in front of her (who was very solid and hard by the way). He turned around and she couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. He had the whole dark hair, dark eyes thing going on, and he had a nice, lean build.

"What the hell? Watch it." He said rudely.

Even though his voice was perfect, he ruined it with his ugly words. Ella had dealt with enough rude people in her life to let some stranger be ill-mannered towards her at Disneyland.

"Get over yourself, it was an accident." She replied.

He turned around completely and gave her an elevated look (spending a good amount of time on her exposed legs, she thanked the heavens she had shaved during her shower).

"Just watch it next time, princess." He smirked, then turned back around to his friends who had been watching their encounter.

Her and Sam had more fun than they'd had all summer. They made their way through the park, eating funnel cakes and cotton candy while Sam went on and on about how she was going to conquer the school and "eliminate" Tiffany this year.

It was around 4 o'clock and they were walking on the bridge talking about Chris Evans when Sam suddenly looked alarmed. She grabbed Ella's arm and halted them to a sharp stop. Ella turned to face her.

"Ella you have to promise not to freak out okay? You're gonna hate me we're never gonna be friends again I'm so sor-"

"Sam what the hell? What's going on?" Ella cut Sam off, she was surprised at the sudden change in the conversation.

Sam hesitated before looking pointedly behind Ella. She turned around confusedly before turning back really quick.

"Sam I'm gonna kill you." This was all Sam's fault for bringing them here.

Calum was a good distance away from them looking into the water. He was holding a teddy bear from one of the stalls in his hand.

"Ella you're gonna wanna kill me even more; he's looking right over here."

"Shit, how do I look?" She popped a mint into her mouth before realizing how ditzy and stupid she sounded. She spat it out when Sam gave her a dirty look.

"Shut the hell up, you don't need to impress him, you're hot and it doesn't matter how you - fuck! Ella, he's walking over here." Sam said, her tone becoming frantic.

Ella looked around for an escape plan and then spotted a great (kind of insane) one. She had avoided Calum long enough, now she wanted to show him she was over him.

The cute guy from before was standing a couple of meters behind Sam with his group of friends.

Ella took a deep breath and debated if her next move was worth it. She made up her mind when she saw Sam's expression as Calum came closer.

"I'm gonna do the craziest thing I've done since we were nine." she said

"You mean when we ran away from home and tried living together under the slide in the playground?" Sam asked, reminiscing on a better time before drama and Tiffany were a factor in her life.

Ella smiled at her, dropped her bag and started walking towards the guy. When he saw her approaching he stopped in the middle of a sentence and gave her an odd look of recognition.

His friends awkwardly backed away as she came closer. She walked right up to him.

"I'm gonna do something and I need you to play along." She said, straight to the point

"What the f-"

Ella grabbed his face, pulled him down to her level, and kissed him hard, full on the mouth.

thanks for reading :)

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