Chapter 11: Your luck is shit

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The next day Ella woke up at 6am to her phone ringing.

She groaned, reaching across to her bedside table and putting it up to her ear, answering without reading the contact. It was probably Sam, she had crackhead energy and woke up early all the time.

"What the fuck do you want?" She grumbled.

"Well you're clearly a morning person." A sarcastic voice replied. She sat up, immediately recognizing that voice.

"Luke. What the fuck do you want?" She repeated her question. He chuckled.

"What're you doing today?"

"Well it's Tuesday so I'm gonna go to this fun, amazing, spectacular place called school and learn about fun, amazing, spectacular things that I don't care about." She said sarcastically. "Why?"

He let out a laugh. "I didn't know you felt that strongly about school. I meant what're you doing after school?"

"I have work until 5. Why?" She asked, suspiciously. 

"Well my friend Ethan is having a thing at his house with a few people, he said I could bring someone." 

She sat up. "...And you wanna bring me?" Weird. 

"Yeah, why not? We are friends, right?"

"Yeah, okay. Pick me up after work." 

"Great." He hung up. She changed his number to 'idiot' in her phone and went back to sleep. She had two hours before she needed to be at school. 

School was boring that day. Ella was kind of nervous for the 'thing at Ethan's house' but she hoped it wouldn't be weird.

Sam had cheerleading practice during lunch, so Ella went to sit with Michael. He had been busy for a few weeks and she hadn't seen him. She hated to admit that she missed him, no matter how annoying he was.

"Hey, Thing 1 and Thing 2." She said, approaching the table where Mike and Jake sat at in the cafeteria. She roughly shoved Mike aside and sat in between them. "I miss you guys."

She greeted everyone else at the table. They were mostly jocks and guys on the football team. Alexis was there too, next to her boyfriend Devon. 

"Hey, Thumbelina." Jacob grinned at her, grabbing a fry out of her tray. She smacked his hand. 

"Ella doesn't share food. And I'm not even that small, You're all just giants."  She said, looking pointedly at her brother.

He shrugged. "Stop referring to yourself in the third person, midge." He ruffled her hair. "I miss you too." He pulled her into his side in a tight bear hug. 

"Ow! What're you so violent for?" She pushed him away and started eating her fries, turning her attention to everyone else at the table. Alexis, Devon, and Dylan were in a heated discussion about whether waffles or pancakes were better. 

"Pancakes are basically just sweet bread." Dylan emphasized. 

"Are you crazy?" Devon asked. "They're the superior breakfast. You can put anything on them."

"That's incorrect," Alexis butted in. "You can put anything on waffles." 

 She started listing them on her fingers; "Chicken and waffles. Nutella and waffles. Whipped cream. Strawberries. Ice cream and waffles. Maple syrup. Banana-" 

Devon cut her off with a groan. "Okay, okay. Fine." Alexis smirked.

"Say it." Dylan said. 

"Say what?" Devon asked. 

"Say waffles are better than pancakes." Alexis said. 


"Say it"

This went on for a while, so Ella turned her attention back to her brother and his best friend. 

"So? How are you?" She asked Jacob. 

"Man, my mom is driving me crazy. She's a vegan now and all we have at home is avocado and almond milk. I'm a growing boy, I need meat!" He whined.

"Okay, fine. You can have my burger." She pushed it towards him. 

He kissed her cheek. "Thanks, El!" She rolled her eyes. They only called her by her real name when she did something nice for them.

"So, Ella." Alexis leaned forward, with her hand on her cheek in exaggerated interest. "How was your date?"

Michael choked on his gatorade, and Jacob started coughing uncontrollably. "Date?!" He sputtered. She sighed; here comes their dramatic protectiveness.  

"Shut up. It wasn't a date we just hung out." 

"Who's we?" Mike asked. 



"Yes." Ella confirmed.

"Interesting." Jacob cut in, rubbing his chin, deep in thought.

"Do tell us, Jake. Why is that interesting?" Michael asked him, putting both hands under his jaw, although he clearly knew the answer, and was just mocking Ella. 

"I mean, considering they've kissed before, it's hard to believe they were just hanging out." Jacob said, in a monotone voice, as if stating a random fact. Fuck. 

"WHAT?" Alexis started. 

Ella groaned. "Jakeeeeee. Why do you always expose me like this?" 


"Shhhh." Ella was so embarrassed. Now everyone's attention was on their conversation. Dylan and Devon were also peaked in interest. Who knew the football team was so interested in gossip?

"Ok so basically, remember when Sam and I went to Disneyland?"

"When you bitches didn't invite me? Yeah, I remember." Alexis said. 

Ella ignored her. "Well, we saw Calum, and I wanted him to know I'm over him, so I kinda kissedsomerandomguythatwasthere." She mumbled. 


"I kissed some random guy that was there." She clarified. 

The table went silent. 

"I- what?" Devon stared at her. 

"Yeah, I know. But anyways a few weeks later I find out he's the new guy at our school." She bowed her head in embarrassment. No one said anything until Dylan started laughing. "Are you serious?" After a while everyone started laughing too. 

"Your luck is shit." Alexis said. 

Dylan winked at her, "Lucky guy."  Mike pretended to glared at him. "Hey! I'm kidding, Ella is basically my sister too."  Mike rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah you all think that."

The bell went off then, and they each went their separate ways. Great. Now even more people knew about Luke.



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