Chapter 13: I'll win it for you

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a/n i have  no idea how football games work, my only reference is tv shows, (i swear every cw show has football) and the blind slide


It was the day of Mike's football game. This meant Ella had to put on the embarrassing bear costume and run around the field and into the bleachers to excite the team and the school. (think of the chicago bears mascot)

Her and Calum were on good terms; she wouldn't consider them friends, but she wasn't bitter about the break up anymore.

The game started at 6 pm so she was in the changing room at 5 getting ready with the cheerleaders.

Watching them put on the cute blue and white cheerleader costumes made her jealous, as she slipped into the huge bear costume. Everything was on except the head, which she held in her hand. Sam and Jess were already laughing at her. She rolled her eyes at them and went outside. She needed some fresh air before the game started.

As she stepped out, she came face to face with Luke. He looked her up and down and burst out laughing.

"You're-" He sputtered. "You're the mascot?" He laughed so much he held his stomach and started rolling on the ground.

"Shut up. It's not that funny." She crossed her arms. Every single one of her friends reacted the same way when they saw her in the mascot costume. It was embarrassing.

"Yes it is!" He pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of her, clutching his stomach.

"Stop!" She tried grabbing his phone.

"Okay, okay." He got up, wiping fake tears. "Thanks, Ella, that was a well-needed laugh."

She scowled. "I hate you."

"No. You don't." He shrugged, still laughing.

His phone rang then and he picked up, turning away from her.

"Hi, mama." He answered cheerfully.

She tried walking away so she wouldn't hear his conversation, but thankfully he spoke in Spanish. As he talked on the phone she could hear his tone become more and more dejected.

After a few minutes he hung up, with his head hung low.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." He lied.

"Just tell me, maybe I can help."

"My mom can't come. She just called me, my dad's lawyer called her about settling something with the divorce, she doesn't really know, but she has to go meet them now."

"Oh. Is there anyone else to cheer you on?"

"It's just her. My friends from my old school in LA also have a game tonight." He shrugged. "It's fine."

She stepped forward. "Don't worry. I'll be your designated cheer-er." She gave him a smile before tugging on the bear head, hoping it would make him laugh; seeing that discouraged look on his face made her heart heavy for some reason.

It worked, when he saw her in full mascot gear, he started laughing again. When he was finally done, he reached out and grabbed her upper arms, pulling her into a tight, warm hug. She couldn't really feel it, because the costume was so huge, but it still felt nice.

"Thank you." He whispered into the hug.

"You're welcome." She couldn't stop the huge smile on her face, even though he couldn't see it.

"Okay, let go of me. You have a game to win. I'm gonna be cheering the loudest for you, so make me proud."

He grinned. "I'll win it for you."


When the game started, the cheerleaders did their dance, with Sam at the top of the pyramid, while Ella did the goofy mascot walk that the coach always made her do. As the team came out she cheered for them, and Jacob blew her a kiss.

Brickston had a good football team, but they were no match for Fincher, with Mike as their captain and receiver, and Luke as their quarterback, they were bought to a win.

Everyone in the bleachers was yelling and cheering as the team went crazy on the field.

Ella pulled off the bear head as Mike ran towards her with his arms spread wide. He hugged her tight as Jacob came and joined, then Dylan, and soon she found herself crushed by half the team.

"Get off me you weirdos!" She shoved them all away.

Jacob stayed with an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey everyone!" He yelled, and amid the chaos and cheering, he suddenly had people's attention, with his loud, booming voice.

"PARTY AT MY HOUSE!" this led to everyone erupting in cheers and yells again.

Ella suddenly found herself pulled from Jacob's grasp.

"What the hell? Oh! Luke!" He has been the one who pulled her away.

"We won!" She yelled.

"I know!" He yelled back. 

She started to speak when Jacob came up from behind her and lifted her in the air,


"Put on the head and I will!" She put it on, and the idiot swung her higher. It was clear he just wanted to wave the bear mascot. 

She looked back and saw Luke walking towards the changing rooms. She would probably see him at Jake's party.


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