Chapter 5: Fated Meetings

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Saturday was the best day of the week. End of discussion. It was Ella's favourite day because she could sleep in and no one could interrupt.

That's why she was really pissed when her mom woke her up at eleven to go get ingredients for a cake she was baking. Ella's mom sucked at cooking, but that sure didn't stop her from trying, which was pretty inspiring to Ella but her taste buds weren't a big fan. She brushed her teeth and freshened up, cursing her mom the whole time.

She threw on skinny jeans, an old Guns N' Roses t shirt and put her hair up in a high ponytail. She grabbed her mom's car keys and was out the door in ten seconds hoping to get it done and over with so she could get more beauty sleep when she got back.

She was walking through the aisles looking at the list her mom texted her, making sure she got everything when her shopping cart hit someone. She was pushed back a little from the force and a bag of flour that was sticking out fell to the floor, spilling its contents everywhere.


The person she bumped into tsked at her choice of language, "it's not very ladylike to swear, is it princess?"

Her head whipped back so fast from the floor and she was met with bright brown eyes and a lazy grin.

"Why do I keep seeing you everywhere I go?" She muttered.

"It's fate." Luke winked and walked over to her. He kicked the open bag of flour under the shelf, grabbed her around the wrist gently, and pushed her and the cart away from the aisle.

"You're a criminal."

She said, with a small grin of her own, looking up at him. The smile slipped right off her face and she gasped now that he was closer. She stopped them short and he looked back at her confused.

"What the hell happened to your face?"

Luke's left jaw was covered in a large purple bruise. He gave her a funny look.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, looks worse than it feels, I just hit a door by accident."

"You play football, I don't think you'd bump into a door by accident. Mike punched you." She said, confirming her suspicions from yesterday. "Why did you lie about it?"

He muttered something back but Ella was too focused on his jaw to really listen.

She leaned up and put her hand gently on the bruise. He winced.

"You said it didn't hurt!"

She had everything she needed so she pushed her cart towards the pharmacy aisle and told Luke to follow her.

"What are you doing here anyways?" She asked him.

"My mom needed eggs, she's baking a cake."

"Mine too! Is yours any good at it? My mom can't cook to save her life." She didn't know why she was talking to him this much.

"My mom's cooking is to die for, you should come and try it some time." Her heart jumped when he said that, implying she would ever come to his house. She played it off and walked faster.

She picked out pain numbing cream (is this a thing) and went to the checkout while Luke went to get the eggs.

She paid and walked to her mom's car with the (reusable) bags, Luke following her. It was getting a little weird how civil they were being.

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